
Hymn Scripture Links


Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
11:10 448 Sing aloud to God our strength!
11:4 36 Hail to the Lord's Anointed
11:5 36 Hail to the Lord's Anointed
12:6 75 Jesus, our Lord, Thy worthiness we sing,
14:7 14 Hark! ten thousand voices crying
19:6 427 Whom have we, Lord, but Thee,
1:18 257 How ready e'en now is our God to impart
1:18 154 Come! - 'tis Jesus gently calling -
1:18 252 "Come unto Me - and I will give you rest";
1:18 429 O Jesus, Lord, Thou stoodest in my stead;
1:18 253 Hast thou heard God's wondrous message,
1:18 447 Jesus, of Thee we ne'er would tire;
1:18 446 Just as I am - without one plea,
1:18 167 Precious, precious blood of Jesus,
1:20 253 Hast thou heard God's wondrous message,
21:11,12 253 Hast thou heard God's wondrous message,
21:11,12 131 O Lord, with our ears and hearts open,
21:12 194 The night is far spent, and the day is at hand;
21:12 306 Lord, as we come together
21:12 246 There is a wondrous story,
24:1 139 This world is a wilderness wide;
25:1 406 O blessèd God, our souls are moved as one
25:8 115 Lead on, almighty Lord,
25:8 353 What will it be to dwell above,
25:8 447 Jesus, of Thee we ne'er would tire;
25:8 375 Lord, though Thy saints be laid to rest,
25:9 98 O God, our hearts are filled with joy,
25:9 353 What will it be to dwell above,
26:13 82 O Jesus, Lord, we love Thee,
26:3 349 We hear the word of love,
26:3 210 Our times are in Thy hand;
26:3 178 Blest Father, infinite in grace,
26:4 396 Rock of Ages! cleft for me,
26:8 447 Jesus, of Thee we ne'er would tire;
28:12 85 There is rest for the weary soul -
28:12 252 "Come unto Me - and I will give you rest";
28:12 245 God, from His throne on high,
28:16 189 O Lord, amid corruption,
2:4 115 Lead on, almighty Lord,
30:18 253 Hast thou heard God's wondrous message,
30:18 169 O what a Saviour is Jesus the Lord!
30:18 440 O Lord, what joy and glad surprise
30:18 439 Jesus lingers still, 'tis for you He waits,
30:18 46 Jesus is a glorious Saviour,
32:1 386 Jesus, Thou art coming, coming as the King,
32:1 291 Lo! He comes, from heav'n descending,
32:1 93 Light of the waiting pilgrim's heart,
32:1 371 Brightness of th' eternal glory,
32:16,17 36 Hail to the Lord's Anointed
32:17 86 Through the love of God our Saviour,
32:17 223 Thou blessèd Holy Spirit,
32:17 422 Jesus, Lord, we joy before Thee,
32:2 84 Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express
32:2 415 O Lord, what burdens Thou didst bear!
32:2 429 O Jesus, Lord, Thou stoodest in my stead;
33:16 419 Lord, Thou art with me!
33:17 386 Jesus, Thou art coming, coming as the King,
33:17 418 O Jesus, blessèd Saviour,
33:17 151 Lord Jesus, when we think of THee,
33:17 452 Lord, to be in Thine own presence
33:17 353 What will it be to dwell above,
33:17 146 Into Thy presence, Lord, we come,
33:17 4 Thine is the love, Lord, that draws us together,
33:17 47 Blest Lord, Thou spakest! 'twas Thy voice
33:17 150 Jesus our Lord, of Thee, the King,
33:6 210 Our times are in Thy hand;
34:17 361 Nought is detaining us,
35:10 386 Jesus, Thou art coming, coming as the King,
35:10 9 All hail the power of Jesus' Name!
35:4 386 Jesus, Thou art coming, coming as the King,
37:11-13 150 Jesus our Lord, of Thee, the King,
37:16 264 "Thou art the Same," our one, unchanging God,
37:16 100 Holy, holy, holy! blessèd God, we praise Thee;
37:16 349 We hear the word of love,
37:38 150 Jesus our Lord, of Thee, the King,
38:17 61 O God, the great "I AM," we worship Thee
38:17 253 Hast thou heard God's wondrous message,
40:11 138 A holy Father's constant care
40:13 214 To Thee, blest Holy Spirit,
40:13 38 Blessèd God, above creation,
40:14 80 We praise Thee, Lord of glory,
40:14 38 Blessèd God, above creation,
40:14 95 O God for ever blest, o'er all supreme,
40:18 314 O God and Father, we our praises bring,
40:22 80 We praise Thee, Lord of glory,
40:26 393 Through Thy great might and wisdom
40:26 55 Through waves, through clouds and storms,
40:26 307 God moves in a mysterious way
40:26 289 Lord Jesus, holy Lamb of God,
40:28 393 Through Thy great might and wisdom
40:28 91 God the unchangeable,
40:28 340 Eternal King of those who reign,
40:28 214 To Thee, blest Holy Spirit,
40:28 315 Glorious Lord, in adoration
40:28 271 Our God is light: and though we go
40:29-32 27 O God, we rejoice in Thy greatness and might.
40:30 271 Our God is light: and though we go
40:31 419 Lord, Thou art with me!
40:31 448 Sing aloud to God our strength!
40:31 333 Our God and Father, we are here to share
40:31 180 O Lord, how blest - as day by day
40:31 231 Father, to Thy gracious throne
40:31 76 Rise, my soul, thy God directs thee,
40:31 27 O God, we rejoice in Thy greatness and might.
40:6-8 150 Jesus our Lord, of Thee, the King,
41:10 139 This world is a wilderness wide;
41:10 46 Jesus is a glorious Saviour,
41:4 61 O God, the great "I AM," we worship Thee
41:4 392 Head over all, O God, art Thou;
41:4 100 Holy, holy, holy! blessèd God, we praise Thee;
41:4 315 Glorious Lord, in adoration
42:1 438 God in mercy sent His Son
42:1-4 439 Jesus lingers still, 'tis for you He waits,
42:10 289 Lord Jesus, holy Lamb of God,
42:10 36 Hail to the Lord's Anointed
42:10,11 93 Light of the waiting pilgrim's heart,
42:12 93 Light of the waiting pilgrim's heart,
42:14 93 Light of the waiting pilgrim's heart,
42:5 289 Lord Jesus, holy Lamb of God,
42:8 5 Father of glory, Thine is now the praise,
43:10 340 Eternal King of those who reign,
43:13 61 O God, the great "I AM," we worship Thee
43:13 5 Father of glory, Thine is now the praise,
43:2 55 Through waves, through clouds and storms,
43:21 314 O God and Father, we our praises bring,
43:21 61 O God, the great "I AM," we worship Thee
43:21 456 Our God, we bless Thee for Thy love
43:21 5 Father of glory, Thine is now the praise,
44:6 91 God the unchangeable,
44:6 92 What raised the wondrous thought,
44:7 38 Blessèd God, above creation,
45:15 214 To Thee, blest Holy Spirit,
45:18 340 Eternal King of those who reign,
45:19 92 What raised the wondrous thought,
45:21 40 "Look unto Me!" the Savior cries;
45:21 92 What raised the wondrous thought,
45:22 40 "Look unto Me!" the Savior cries;
45:22 241 T'was not for our great love to Thee
45:22 248 I heard the voice of Jesus say,
45:22 92 What raised the wondrous thought,
45:23 75 Jesus, our Lord, Thy worthiness we sing,
45:23 310 Blest Father, in Thy wondrous grace
45:6 92 What raised the wondrous thought,
45:7 55 Through waves, through clouds and storms,
46:10 36 Hail to the Lord's Anointed
46:10 92 What raised the wondrous thought,
46:9 125 Priase to Thee, our God, belongeth,
46:9,10 92 What raised the wondrous thought,
48:11 100 Holy, holy, holy! blessèd God, we praise Thee;
48:12 91 God the unchangeable,
48:18 238 When peace like a river attendeth my way,
49:6 371 Brightness of th' eternal glory,
49:6 36 Hail to the Lord's Anointed
50:4 154 Come! - 'tis Jesus gently calling -
50:5 268 O Lord, Thy face was set,
50:6 41 Lord, together Thee recalling,
50:7 268 O Lord, Thy face was set,
51:10 55 Through waves, through clouds and storms,
51:5 36 Hail to the Lord's Anointed
52:10 55 Through waves, through clouds and storms,
52:11 101 Submitting to Thy will,
52:13 315 Glorious Lord, in adoration
52:13 36 Hail to the Lord's Anointed
52:14 19 For ever with Thee, Lord,
52:14 415 O Lord, what burdens Thou didst bear!
52:14 302 Gazing on Thee, Lord, in glory,
52:6 55 Through waves, through clouds and storms,
52:7 423 O Lord, what love for sinners Thou hast shown,
53:1 176 Blessèd Lord, in love unceasing
53:10 415 O Lord, what burdens Thou didst bear!
53:10 290 I love to sing of Jesus,
53:10 153 The mighty God who dwelt in light
53:10 6 Jesus! how much Thy Name unfolds
53:11 149 Lord Jesus, we remember
53:11 249 O Jesus, Lord, who loved us like to Thee?
53:11 365 Jesus, our Lord, Thou lovest to be near
53:11 71 Hark, the solemn strains uprising!
53:11 280 Lord Jesus Christ, to Thee a song we raise,
53:11 41 Lord, together Thee recalling,
53:11 359 O how precious Thine assembly
53:11 358 I heard the blessèd story told,
53:11 347 The bread and cup, O Lord, recall
53:11 283 As in Thy presence, Lord, our spirits free,
53:11 134 We sing to Thee, Lord Jesus,
53:11 345 O Lord, do Thou our souls inspire
53:11 390 O the peace for ever flowing
53:11 236 O Jesus, Lord, we long
53:11 301 O Lord, Thy matchless glory,
53:11 160 O bright and blessèd hope!
53:11,12 152 Thou, Lord, to death's domain
53:12 415 O Lord, what burdens Thou didst bear!
53:12 323 "Tis finished!" our blest Saviour said,
53:12 241 T'was not for our great love to Thee
53:12 40 "Look unto Me!" the Savior cries;
53:12 224 Though all the beasts on earth be slain
53:12 322 "Behold the Man!" O blessèd Lord,
53:12 240 Himself He could not save,
53:12 204 In Thy presence now we worship,
53:2 188 We see Thee, Lord of glory,
53:2,3 188 We see Thee, Lord of glory,
53:3 426 "Man of sorrows!" what a name
53:3 28 Hail! Thou once despisèd Jesus;
53:3 298 Lord, we treasure with affection
53:3 378 Stricken, smitten and afflicted,
53:3 399 Master, we would no longer be
53:3 65 Lord, as now Thy people gather,
53:3 274 Lord Jesus, come,
53:3 322 "Behold the Man!" O blessèd Lord,
53:3 188 We see Thee, Lord of glory,
53:3 235 We'll praise Thee, glorious Lord,
53:3 6 Jesus! how much Thy Name unfolds
53:3 230 O Lord, when we the path retrace
53:3 272 When I survey the wondrous cross
53:3 150 Jesus our Lord, of Thee, the King,
53:3 190 O Lord, Thy wonderous story
53:3 245 God, from His throne on high,
53:3 451 Behold the Lamb, with glory crowned!
53:3 64 O bright and blessèd scenes,
53:3 189 O Lord, amid corruption,
53:3-5 311 Jesus, our Lord, on the throne of the Father Thou'rt crownèd;
53:4 415 O Lord, what burdens Thou didst bear!
53:4 378 Stricken, smitten and afflicted,
53:4 252 "Come unto Me - and I will give you rest";
53:4 166 From scenes of conflict, burden, grief and care,
53:4 240 Himself He could not save,
53:4 85 There is rest for the weary soul -
53:4 188 We see Thee, Lord of glory,
53:4 318 For us, O Lord, Thou camest from on high,
53:4 25 Father, Thy name our souls would bless,
53:4,5 240 Himself He could not save,
53:4,5 308 On earth the song begins,
53:4,5 243 How sweet is the story of God's boundless love,
53:4,5 71 Hark, the solemn strains uprising!
53:4,5 104 We wait for Thee, O Son of God,
53:4-6 212 O the love of God is boundless,
53:6 415 O Lord, what burdens Thou didst bear!
53:6 268 O Lord, Thy face was set,
53:6 244 It is not with uncertain step
53:6 71 Hark, the solemn strains uprising!
53:6 290 I love to sing of Jesus,
53:6 241 T'was not for our great love to Thee
53:6 423 O Lord, what love for sinners Thou hast shown,
53:6 240 Himself He could not save,
53:6 276 Have you not heard the joyful sound?
53:7 40 "Look unto Me!" the Savior cries;
53:7 104 We wait for Thee, O Son of God,
53:7,8 230 O Lord, when we the path retrace
55:1 266 Hark! the voice of Jesus calling,
55:11 356 To Thee, our God, we render now
55:11 78 O God of grace, our Father,
55:12 371 Brightness of th' eternal glory,
55:3 46 Jesus is a glorious Saviour,
55:4 36 Hail to the Lord's Anointed
55:6 367 I am not told to labour
55:7 46 Jesus is a glorious Saviour,
55:7 6 Jesus! how much Thy Name unfolds
55:7 217 Why unbelieving? Why wilt thou spurn
55:7 262 Great God of wonders! all Thy ways
55:7 167 Precious, precious blood of Jesus,
55:7 239 Christ did for sins atone,
55:7,12 423 O Lord, what love for sinners Thou hast shown,
55:8 309 O God, Thy glory shines supreme;
55:8 20 To God - alone
55:9 172 O teach us more of Thy blest ways,
55:9 35 O God of love, how measureless
55:9 309 O God, Thy glory shines supreme;
55:9 356 To Thee, our God, we render now
55:9 307 God moves in a mysterious way
55:9 392 Head over all, O God, art Thou;
55:9 292 O God, supreme in majesty,
55:9 406 O blessèd God, our souls are moved as one
55:9 428 Blest God, o'er all supreme,
55:9 38 Blessèd God, above creation,
55:9 268 O Lord, Thy face was set,
57:15 20 To God - alone
57:15 141 God and Father, source of glory,
57:15 242 O God, Thou source of endless bliss and joy,
57:15 334 In light unclouded dwells the mighty God,
58:8 131 O Lord, with our ears and hearts open,
59:1 55 Through waves, through clouds and storms,
59:19 214 To Thee, blest Holy Spirit,
59:19 107 Awake, each saint, in joyful lays,
59:20 122 Christ is the Saviour of sinners,
60:19 76 Rise, my soul, thy God directs thee,
60:19 239 Christ did for sins atone,
60:2 131 O Lord, with our ears and hearts open,
60:2 104 We wait for Thee, O Son of God,
60:9 36 Hail to the Lord's Anointed
61:1 445 Jesus, the Lord, is ris'n
61:1 276 Have you not heard the joyful sound?
61:1 133 O the wonder of the moment!
61:1 279 Jesus! the very thought of Thee
61:1 153 The mighty God who dwelt in light
61:1,2 214 To Thee, blest Holy Spirit,
61:11 441 Father of every fam'ly
61:7 76 Rise, my soul, thy God directs thee,
62:1 75 Jesus, our Lord, Thy worthiness we sing,
63:1 291 Lo! He comes, from heav'n descending,
63:1 233 Our is a pardon bought with blood,
63:13 364 O our God, how great, unmeasured
63:14 271 Our God is light: and though we go
63:14 364 O our God, how great, unmeasured
63:14 3 As Head, O God, exhalted Thou,
63:14 76 Rise, my soul, thy God directs thee,
63:9 166 From scenes of conflict, burden, grief and care,
63:9 264 "Thou art the Same," our one, unchanging God,
64:4 59 The heart of God is love;
64:4 408 Thou holy Comforter, we joy in Thee,
64:4 81 O Lord, Thy glory we behold,
64:4 76 Rise, my soul, thy God directs thee,
64:4 18 Blest Holy Spirit, Thou, divine,
64:6 443 Jesus, how glorious is Thy grace!
64:8 55 Through waves, through clouds and storms,
65:1 75 Jesus, our Lord, Thy worthiness we sing,
65:17 80 We praise Thee, Lord of glory,
65:19 353 What will it be to dwell above,
65:19 74 Rest of the saints above,
66:1,2 38 Blessèd God, above creation,
66:12 390 O the peace for ever flowing
66:12 238 When peace like a river attendeth my way,
66:2 120 Father, in Thine eternal power,
66:22 98 O God, our hearts are filled with joy,
6:1 291 Lo! He comes, from heav'n descending,
6:1 72 Our God whom we have known,
6:1 267 Glory, honour, adoration,
6:11 448 Sing aloud to God our strength!
6:3 100 Holy, holy, holy! blessèd God, we praise Thee;
6:3 334 In light unclouded dwells the mighty God,
7:14 80 We praise Thee, Lord of glory,
7:14 188 We see Thee, Lord of glory,
7:9 217 Why unbelieving? Why wilt thou spurn
9:6 33 Come, Prince of Peace, for now
9:6 34 The Saviour, Jesus, who is He?
9:6 169 O what a Saviour is Jesus the Lord!
9:6 6 Jesus! how much Thy Name unfolds
9:6 387 Lord, the greatness of Thy Person
9:6 414 Once from glory's height descending.
9:6 29 Jesus, our Lord, our all,
9:6 187 I've found a Friend, O such a Friend!
9:6 181 Glory, Lord, is Thine for ever,
9:6 184 Now in simple faith, Lord Jesus,
9:6 233 Our is a pardon bought with blood,
9:6,7 386 Jesus, Thou art coming, coming as the King,
9:6,7 185 Majestic, Almight and Glorious,
9:6,7 211 God and Father, we Thy children
9:6,7 36 Hail to the Lord's Anointed
9:7 11 Thou are the blest incarnate Word,