
Into Thy Presence, Lord, We Come

And she had a sister called Mary, who also, having sat down at the feet of Jesus was listening to his word. but there is need of one, and Mary has chosen the good part, the which shall not be taken from her. Luke 10:39,42

Then he opened their understanding to understand the scriptures, Luke 24:45

  1. John 1:38,39, 1 Peter 2:4Into Thy presence, Lord, we come,

    Luke 10:39, Deuteronomy 33:3And sit in stillness at Thy feet

    Luke 10:39, Deuteronomy 33:3To hear Thy word, so pure, so sweet,

    John 1:39, 1 Corinthians 14:30And find in Thee our spirit's home:

  2. Hebrews 2:8,9By faith e'en now to see Thy face,

    Luke 10:39, Deuteronomy 33:3And hear Thy words of light and love -

    John 5:36, John 8:23Thy witness of the things above -

    John 1:17, Luke 4:22The substance, Thou, of truth and grace.

  3. Mark 6:31, John 11:54Thus to retire from all around,

    John 1:39, John 11:54And in Thy holy presence be,

    Isaiah 33:17, Psalms 27:4Thy beauty, Lord, alone to see,

    John 10:3, 1 Samuel 3:10Thy blessèd voice the only sound.

  4. Hebrews 12:12,13, John 14:23For to our feeble path down here,

    John 12:1,2, John 14:23In love Thou dost delight to come;

    John 12:1,2, John 14:23Responsive love gives Thee a home,

    John 20:19,20, John 14:23Despised without, but welcome there!