On the morrow he sees Jesus coming to him, and says, Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. And, looking at Jesus as he walked, he says, Behold the Lamb of God. John 1:29,36
But by precious blood, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot, [the blood] of Christ, 1 Peter 1:19
John 1:29, 1 Peter 1:19Lord Jesus, holy Lamb of God,
John 19:34,35, 1 Peter 1:19Who shed'st for us Thine own life-blood,
Luke 24:25,26, John 13:14Come, teach us all Thy love - then pain
Philippians 1:21, Psalms 40:8In life were sweet, and death were gain.
Philippians 3:8-11, 2 Corinthians 1:22Take Thou our hearts, and let them be
Philippians 3:8-11, 2 Corinthians 4:5For ever held, O Lord, for Thee.
Philippians 2:13, Philippians 1:1Thy willing servants, let us wear
Ephesians 1:13, 2 Timothy 4:8The seal of love for ever there.
John 15:7, Acts 11:23How blest are they who still abide
Acts 27:23, Acts 11:23Close sheltered by Thy watchful side,
Philippians 4:13, Hebrews 4:16Who life and strength from Thee receive,
Galatians 2:20, Romans 16:7And with Thee move, and in Thee live!
2 Corinthians 13:6, Isaiah 40:26Ah, Lord, enlarge our scanty thought,
Matthew 21:15, Isaiah 42:5To know the wonders Thou hast wrought;
Mark 7:34,35, Isaiah 42:10Unloose our stamm'ring tongues to tell
Mark 7:36,37, Galatians 2:20Thy love, immense, unsearchable!