
Eternal King Of Those Who Reign

But when all things shall have been brought into subjection to him, then the Son also himself shall be placed in subjection to him who put all things in subjection to him, that God may be all in all.) 1 Corinthians 15:28

Now to the King of the ages, [the] incorruptible, invisible, only God, honour and glory to the ages of ages. Amen. 1 Timothy 1:17

  1. 1 Timothy 1:17, 1 Timothy 6:15Eternal King of those who reign,

    1 Timothy 1:17, 1 Timothy 6:16To Thee be honour, might, Amen.

    Psalms 90:1, Deuteronomy 33:27Thou, God from all eternity,

    1 Timothy 6:16Alone has immortality.

    1 Timothy 6:16Thy dwelling light, Thy form unknown,

    Romans 16:27, Isaiah 40:28Supreme art Thou, O God, alone!

  2. Romans 16:27, Isaiah 43:10The only wise, invisible,

    1 Timothy 1:17, Isaiah 45:18Yea, living, incorruptible,

    Acts 7:2, Psalms 84:11Thy grace and glory, truth and love

    Philippians 1:11, John 1:18Now seen in Christ, all praise above.

    Romans 15:11, Revelation 22:9Thee would we worship and extol,

    1 Corinthians 15:28O blessèd God, soon all in all!