
Hymn Scripture Links


Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
1:1 281 Jesus, my Saviour! Thou art mine,
1:1 278 Saviour we long to follow Thee,
1:1 443 Jesus, how glorious is Thy grace!
1:10 24 His be the Victor's name,
1:10 46 Jesus is a glorious Saviour,
1:10 418 O Jesus, blessèd Saviour,
1:10 43 Jesus, our Saviour, we gladly adore Thee,
1:10 40 "Look unto Me!" the Savior cries;
1:10 217 Why unbelieving? Why wilt thou spurn
1:10 44 Lord Jesus Christ, in all Thy grace,
1:10 34 The Saviour, Jesus, who is He?
1:10 179 O praise the Saviour for His love,
1:10 5 Father of glory, Thine is now the praise,
1:10 122 Christ is the Saviour of sinners,
1:10 118 Glory be to God the Father,
1:12 79 God and the Lamb - 'tis well
1:12 205 O Jesus, Lamb of God,
1:12 160 O bright and blessèd hope!
1:14 412 Lord Spirit, blest, of Thee we're taught,
1:14 333 Our God and Father, we are here to share
1:14 384 With loyal hearts, O Lord to Thee,
1:14 355 We bless Thee, Holy Spirit!
1:14 37 "In Christ Jesus" - new creation,
1:14 351 Holy Comforter, who guidest
1:16 402 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -
1:3 157 We worship Thee, O God,
1:7 372 Blest Holy Spirit, let us prove
1:7 329 Well may we sing, with triumph sing,
1:8 399 Master, we would no longer be
1:9 162 God our Father, Thee we worship,
1:9 172 O teach us more of Thy blest ways,
1:9 169 O what a Saviour is Jesus the Lord!
1:9 5 Father of glory, Thine is now the praise,
1:9 217 Why unbelieving? Why wilt thou spurn
1:9 262 Great God of wonders! all Thy ways
1:9 62 God of the Universe,
1:9 120 Father, in Thine eternal power,
1:9 435 On that same night, Lord Jesus,
1:9 378 Stricken, smitten and afflicted,
1:9 25 Father, Thy name our souls would bless,
1:9 200 O Jesus, precious Saviour,
1:9 44 Lord Jesus Christ, in all Thy grace,
2:1 443 Jesus, how glorious is Thy grace!
2:1 372 Blest Holy Spirit, let us prove
2:1 305 God our Father, we Thy children
2:1 44 Lord Jesus Christ, in all Thy grace,
2:10 395 Great Captain of Salvation,
2:10 115 Lead on, almighty Lord,
2:10 389 Holy Father, in Thy mercy
2:10 254 Lord, to our souls Thy light is ever pure,
2:10 38 Blessèd God, above creation,
2:11 149 Lord Jesus, we remember
2:11 40 "Look unto Me!" the Savior cries;
2:12 198 Lord Jesus, as gathered before Thee
2:12 397 Jesus, Thy head, once crowned with thorns,
2:12 92 What raised the wondrous thought,
2:13 205 O Jesus, Lamb of God,
2:13 160 O bright and blessèd hope!
2:13 51 O Lord, Thy love's unbounded,
2:13 362 O Lord, what peace and rest we find
2:15 97 O Holy Spirit of our God,
2:15 198 Lord Jesus, as gathered before Thee
2:19 198 Lord Jesus, as gathered before Thee
2:19 436 We treasure, Lord, Thy blessèd Name,
2:19 378 Stricken, smitten and afflicted,
2:19 417 Who will hearken to the story
2:19 65 Lord, as now Thy people gather,
2:2 384 With loyal hearts, O Lord to Thee,
2:2 101 Submitting to Thy will,
2:2 198 Lord Jesus, as gathered before Thee
2:2 389 Holy Father, in Thy mercy
2:2 97 O Holy Spirit of our God,
2:2,3 419 Lord, Thou art with me!
2:20,21 101 Submitting to Thy will,
2:21 200 O Jesus, precious Saviour,
2:21 101 Submitting to Thy will,
2:21 399 Master, we would no longer be
2:21 198 Lord Jesus, as gathered before Thee
2:21 389 Holy Father, in Thy mercy
2:21 417 Who will hearken to the story
2:21 434 We see not all things yet
2:21 65 Lord, as now Thy people gather,
2:21 53 We'll sing of God's wonderful gospel,
2:21,22 198 Lord Jesus, as gathered before Thee
2:22 101 Submitting to Thy will,
2:22 372 Blest Holy Spirit, let us prove
2:22 254 Lord, to our souls Thy light is ever pure,
2:22 410 On the Lamb our souls are resting,
2:3 198 Lord Jesus, as gathered before Thee
2:6,7 424 O Lord, how long ere we shall see
2:7 198 Lord Jesus, as gathered before Thee
2:8 435 On that same night, Lord Jesus,
2:8 279 Jesus! the very thought of Thee
2:8 326 Lord, it has touched our hearts that Thou
2:8 160 O bright and blessèd hope!
2:8 30 Love's remembrance, Lord, Thou seekest
2:8 192 We love, Lord Jesus, to recall
3:1 256 O Lamb of God, still keep us
3:1-5 33 Come, Prince of Peace, for now
3:11 107 Awake, each saint, in joyful lays,
4:1 257 How ready e'en now is our God to impart
4:1 220 I could not do without Thee,
4:16 54 How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds
4:17 399 Master, we would no longer be
4:17 187 I've found a Friend, O such a Friend!
4:17,18 126 Lord Jesus, may our days on earth
4:18 142 "Praise ye the Lord," again, again,
4:18 259 Thou art, O Lord, the centre
4:18 126 Lord Jesus, may our days on earth
4:18 362 O Lord, what peace and rest we find
4:18 200 O Jesus, precious Saviour,
4:2 198 Lord Jesus, as gathered before Thee
4:5 411 Lord! let us wait for Thee alone:
4:5 244 It is not with uncertain step
4:5 54 How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds
4:6,7 176 Blessèd Lord, in love unceasing
4:6-8 421 What will it be when all life's toil is finished,
4:6-8 321 Wilt thou yield to love's entreaty?
4:7 19 For ever with Thee, Lord,
4:7 399 Master, we would no longer be
4:7 248 I heard the voice of Jesus say,
4:8 388 Lord, we wait for Thine appearing;
4:8 200 O Jesus, precious Saviour,
4:8 104 We wait for Thee, O Son of God,
4:8 384 With loyal hearts, O Lord to Thee,
4:8 286 What rich eternal bursts of priase
4:8 345 O Lord, do Thou our souls inspire
4:8 299 What will it be with God to dwell,
4:8 194 The night is far spent, and the day is at hand;
4:8 289 Lord Jesus, holy Lamb of God,
4:8 291 Lo! He comes, from heav'n descending,
4:8 198 Lord Jesus, as gathered before Thee
4:8 440 O Lord, what joy and glad surprise
4:8 321 Wilt thou yield to love's entreaty?