
How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds

And lo, two blind men, sitting by the wayside, having heard that Jesus was passing by, cried out saying, Have mercy on us, Lord, Son of David. Matthew 20:30

I will make thy name to be remembered throughout all generations; therefore shall the peoples praise thee for ever and ever. Psalms 45:17

  1. 2 Thessalonians 1:12, Song of Songs 1:3How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds

    1 Corinthians 6:11, Mark 1:15In a believer's ear!

    Luke 10:33,34, Matthew 11:28-30It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,

    Luke 12:32, John 14:1And drives away his fear.

  2. Luke 4:18,19, Romans 8:38,39It makes the wounded spirit whole,

    Luke 4:18,19, John 14:27It calms the troubled breast;

    John 6:50,51, John 6:58'Tis manna to the hungry soul,

    Matthew 11:28-30, Hebrews 4:9And to the weary rest.

  3. 1 Corinthians 3:12, Matthew 7:24Blest Name! the rock on which we build,

    Psalms 119:114, Psalms 32:7Our shield and hiding-place;

    Luke 12:33,34, Acts 3:16Our never-failing treasury, filled

    Romans 5:17, John 1:16With boundless stores of grace.

  4. Hebrews 13:20, Titus 1:4Jesus! our Saviour, Shepherd, Friend

    Hebrews 7:26, Zechariah 6:13Thou Prophet, Priest, and King,

    John 14:6, Romans 5:12Our Lord, our Life, our Way, our End,

    Psalms 119:108, Romans 9:5Accept the praise we bring.

  5. Matthew 26:41, Mark 14:38Weak is the effort of our heart,

    Psalms 80:18,19, 2 Timothy 4:16And cold our warmest thought;

    1 John 3:2,3, Revelation 1:17But when we see Thee as Thou art,

    Revelation 5:12-14, Revelation 22:3,4We'll praise Thee as we ought.

  6. Hebrews 13:15, 2 Timothy 4:5Till then we would Thy love proclaim

    Hebrews 13:15, 1 Peter 1:24With every fleeting breath;

    2 Corinthians 2:14, Romans 5:3And triumph in Thy blessèd Name

    1 Corinthians 15:55, Psalms 23:4Which quells the power of death.