
Hymn Scripture Links

Romans 15

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
15:10,11 7 Hark! happy saints! loud lift your voice,
15:10,11 1 Of all the gifts Thy love bestows,
15:11 90 Our God and Father, we respond anew
15:11 286 What rich eternal bursts of priase
15:11 449 Glory to God! we sing:
15:11 340 Eternal King of those who reign,
15:11 360 We know Thee, Lord, as risen,
15:11,12 229 Thy Name must live, whatever names may die;
15:11-13 168 O blessèd God, we praise Thee,
15:12 213 In hope we lift our wishful, longing eyes,
15:12 343 "Lord, what is man?" 'Tis Christ who died,
15:12,13 213 In hope we lift our wishful, longing eyes,
15:13 295 Unto Thee, blest Holy Spirit,
15:13 60 Our Father, we praise Thee,
15:13 239 Christ did for sins atone,
15:13 218 O Holy Spirit, Thee we worship now,
15:13 223 Thou blessèd Holy Spirit,
15:13 456 Our God, we bless Thee for Thy love
15:13 86 Through the love of God our Saviour,
15:13 417 Who will hearken to the story
15:13 257 How ready e'en now is our God to impart
15:13 173 Thou dwellest now, O God, midst fragrant praise
15:13 261 Blest Spirit, we would sing to Thee,
15:13 433 Blest Comforter, Thou holy One,
15:13 55 Through waves, through clouds and storms,
15:13 183 Come, for the Father's love
15:13 447 Jesus, of Thee we ne'er would tire;
15:13 97 O Holy Spirit of our God,
15:13 409 Come! for the Father speaks to thee from heaven,
15:13 178 Blest Father, infinite in grace,
15:15-17 202 Hark! hark! the voice of Christ, the sinner's Saviour,
15:16 202 Hark! hark! the voice of Christ, the sinner's Saviour,
15:16 261 Blest Spirit, we would sing to Thee,
15:16 94 Father, Thine own unbounded love
15:16 295 Unto Thee, blest Holy Spirit,
15:16 4 Thine is the love, Lord, that draws us together,
15:19 285 Blest Spirit, now we worship Thee;
15:19 441 Father of every fam'ly
15:19 442 O Spirit of adoption,
15:19 453 Holy Spirit, helper nigh,
15:19 32 O blessèd Holy One,
15:19 295 Unto Thee, blest Holy Spirit,
15:19 401 Spirit of grace, O Thou whose hidden might
15:19 383 Blest Holy Spirit, sent from heav'n above
15:2 191 Father, praise to Thee we give;
15:2 306 Lord, as we come together
15:29 111 'Tis the truest joy and blessing
15:29 72 Our God whom we have known,
15:29 133 O the wonder of the moment!
15:30 109 Blest Holy Spirit, Thou
15:30 182 We bless Thee, Holy Spirit, Thou
15:31 253 Hast thou heard God's wondrous message,
15:33 349 We hear the word of love,
15:4 306 Lord, as we come together
15:4 220 I could not do without Thee,
15:5 325 Our blest God and Father,
15:5 306 Lord, as we come together
15:6 428 Blest God, o'er all supreme,
15:6 135 Thee we praise, our God and Father,
15:6 90 Our God and Father, we respond anew
15:6 191 Father, praise to Thee we give;
15:6 449 Glory to God! we sing:
15:6 406 O blessèd God, our souls are moved as one
15:6 379 Our God and Father, we respond to Thee
15:6 237 Father, we celebrate Thy praise.
15:6 136 Father, spring and source of blessing,
15:6 27 O God, we rejoice in Thy greatness and might.
15:6 100 Holy, holy, holy! blessèd God, we praise Thee;
15:6 336 Blest God and Father, source of joy
15:6 330 Father, from our hearts is spiringing,
15:6 314 O God and Father, we our praises bring,
15:6 170 Blessèd God, with Christ before Thee
15:6 292 O God, supreme in majesty,
15:6 364 O our God, how great, unmeasured
15:6 442 O Spirit of adoption,
15:6 327 Our joyful hallelujahs
15:6 416 Father, now in adoration
15:6 325 Our blest God and Father,
15:6 356 To Thee, our God, we render now
15:6 231 Father, to Thy gracious throne
15:6 405 To God, in highest power supreme,
15:6 58 Lord, we are Thine, bought by Thy blood,
15:6 454 Father, Thy sons adore Thee,
15:6 89 O blessèd Holy Spirit,
15:6 305 God our Father, we Thy children
15:6 2 Father, 'twas Thy love that knew us
15:6 265 O God of grace, our Father,
15:6 211 God and Father, we Thy children
15:6 303 O what a debt we owe
15:6 11 Thou are the blest incarnate Word,
15:6 238 When peace like a river attendeth my way,
15:6 370 Our God, to Thee th'assembly's praises flow
15:6 94 Father, Thine own unbounded love
15:6 143 Our God, from Thy blest heart and mind has spread
15:6 168 O blessèd God, we praise Thee,
15:6 66 O gracious God, Thy pleasure
15:6 125 Priase to Thee, our God, belongeth,
15:6 155 What was it, blessèd God,
15:6 362 O Lord, what peace and rest we find
15:6 316 Blest Father, we draw nigh,
15:6 119 Our God and Father, we draw near to Thee
15:6 377 Father, in Thy love unbounded,
15:6 342 O Lord, the knowledge of Thy love
15:6 306 Lord, as we come together
15:6 407 O God, Thy grace no limit knows,
15:6 141 God and Father, source of glory,
15:6 320 Father of lights, to Thee our hearts we lift
15:6 177 O wilt thou to the Saviour come?
15:6 309 O God, Thy glory shines supreme;
15:6 236 O Jesus, Lord, we long
15:6 178 Blest Father, infinite in grace,
15:7 122 Christ is the Saviour of sinners,
15:7 178 Blest Father, infinite in grace,
15:9 52 We sing to Thee, blest Father,
15:9 220 I could not do without Thee,
15:9,10 63 Our God and Father, Thee we bless,
15:9-11 61 O God, the great "I AM," we worship Thee