
Hymn Scripture Links

John 20

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
20:11 216 Lord, we rejoice that Thou art gone
20:15 220 I could not do without Thee,
20:15,16 171 Blest Son of God, we worship Thee;
20:15,16 298 Lord, we treasure with affection
20:15-18 228 All through this desert dry
20:16-18 376 O Lord, we've come together
20:17 45 Our God and Father, we would now proclaim
20:17 335 Lord, Thy ways are past our searching,
20:17 416 Father, now in adoration
20:17 228 All through this desert dry
20:17 133 O the wonder of the moment!
20:17 26 Father, Thy love our portion is,
20:17 67 We bless Thee, God and Father,
20:17 207 Blest God and Father, we respond to Thee,
20:17 283 As in Thy presence, Lord, our spirits free,
20:17 161 Son of God, with joy we view Thee
20:17 180 O Lord, how blest - as day by day
20:17 226 O Glorious Lord! what thoughts Thy mind did fill,
20:17 330 Father, from our hearts is spiringing,
20:17 162 God our Father, Thee we worship,
20:17 284 "Not of the world" - blest words of Christ the Lord
20:17 303 O what a debt we owe
20:17 449 Glory to God! we sing:
20:17 117 Lord, in past and distant ages,
20:17 348 How good and great, O Father,
20:17 316 Blest Father, we draw nigh,
20:17 139 This world is a wilderness wide;
20:17 135 Thee we praise, our God and Father,
20:17 186 Lord, Thy person far transcendeth
20:17 237 Father, we celebrate Thy praise.
20:17 11 Thou are the blest incarnate Word,
20:17 198 Lord Jesus, as gathered before Thee
20:17 310 Blest Father, in Thy wondrous grace
20:17 137 We praise Thee, Lord, blest source of deepest joy,
20:17,18 283 As in Thy presence, Lord, our spirits free,
20:17,19,20 283 As in Thy presence, Lord, our spirits free,
20:18 84 Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express
20:19 39 Lord Jesus, in Thee we're rejoicing,
20:19 16 Blest Victor, Thou, o'er every power malign,
20:19 102 To us Thou comest, faithful to Thy word;
20:19 339 Lord, in Thy supper now we see
20:19 84 Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express
20:19 147 Glorious Son of God, to Thee
20:19 116 Blest God and Father, we confess
20:19 374 Father, Thy love was deepest joy
20:19 51 O Lord, Thy love's unbounded,
20:19 110 Jesus our Lord, we would joyfully render
20:19,20 102 To us Thou comest, faithful to Thy word;
20:19,20 256 O Lamb of God, still keep us
20:19,20 283 As in Thy presence, Lord, our spirits free,
20:19,20 185 Majestic, Almight and Glorious,
20:19,20 315 Glorious Lord, in adoration
20:19,20 146 Into Thy presence, Lord, we come,
20:19-21 147 Glorious Son of God, to Thee
20:20 422 Jesus, Lord, we joy before Thee,
20:20 193 Lord Jesus, we rejoice that Thou
20:20 39 Lord Jesus, in Thee we're rejoicing,
20:20 365 Jesus, our Lord, Thou lovest to be near
20:20 4 Thine is the love, Lord, that draws us together,
20:20 209 O Lord, it is Thyself; none, none but Thee,
20:20 102 To us Thou comest, faithful to Thy word;
20:20 126 Lord Jesus, may our days on earth
20:20 339 Lord, in Thy supper now we see
20:20 84 Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express
20:20 253 Hast thou heard God's wondrous message,
20:20 99 Lord Jesus, Thou by whom the worlds were made,
20:20 142 "Praise ye the Lord," again, again,
20:20 229 Thy Name must live, whatever names may die;
20:20 147 Glorious Son of God, to Thee
20:20 301 O Lord, Thy matchless glory,
20:20 199 Lord Jesus Christ, our living Head,
20:20,21 147 Glorious Son of God, to Thee
20:20,27 99 Lord Jesus, Thou by whom the worlds were made,
20:21 374 Father, Thy love was deepest joy
20:21 51 O Lord, Thy love's unbounded,
20:22 374 Father, Thy love was deepest joy
20:25 51 O Lord, Thy love's unbounded,
20:26 102 To us Thou comest, faithful to Thy word;
20:27,28 51 O Lord, Thy love's unbounded,
20:27-31 217 Why unbelieving? Why wilt thou spurn
20:28 77 Lord, we love to trace Thy footprints
20:28 110 Jesus our Lord, we would joyfully render
20:28 51 O Lord, Thy love's unbounded,
20:30 296 Blest Son of God, Thou holy One above,
20:31 443 Jesus, how glorious is Thy grace!
20:31 426 "Man of sorrows!" what a name
20:31 28 Hail! Thou once despisèd Jesus;