
Hymn Scripture Links

John 12

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
12:1,2 146 Into Thy presence, Lord, we come,
12:2 430 Thy love, blest Lord, in death made known,
12:24 152 Thou, Lord, to death's domain
12:24 249 O Jesus, Lord, who loved us like to Thee?
12:24 57 Where glory lights the courts on high,
12:24 180 O Lord, how blest - as day by day
12:24 134 We sing to Thee, Lord Jesus,
12:24 418 O Jesus, blessèd Saviour,
12:24 84 Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express
12:24 270 And we shall see Thy face,
12:24 369 Christ is risen! Hallelujah!
12:24 341 O blessèd Saviour, is Thy love
12:25 350 We hail Thee, Lord, our glorious Head,
12:26 47 Blest Lord, Thou spakest! 'twas Thy voice
12:26 236 O Jesus, Lord, we long
12:26 413 "A little while" - the Lord shall come,
12:26 399 Master, we would no longer be
12:26 220 I could not do without Thee,
12:26 250 Thy will, O Lord, be done, whate'er the cost
12:26 239 Christ did for sins atone,
12:26 328 Our hearts delight in Christ, and long
12:26 197 O Lord, Thou art, and wast, and art to come,
12:26 138 A holy Father's constant care
12:26 200 O Jesus, precious Saviour,
12:26 235 We'll praise Thee, glorious Lord,
12:27 318 For us, O Lord, Thou camest from on high,
12:27 263 Thy death, O Lord, and sorrow
12:27 435 On that same night, Lord Jesus,
12:27 149 Lord Jesus, we remember
12:27 249 O Jesus, Lord, who loved us like to Thee?
12:27 233 Our is a pardon bought with blood,
12:27 47 Blest Lord, Thou spakest! 'twas Thy voice
12:27 190 O Lord, Thy wonderous story
12:27 235 We'll praise Thee, glorious Lord,
12:28 428 Blest God, o'er all supreme,
12:28 135 Thee we praise, our God and Father,
12:28 404 On His Father's throne is seated
12:28 320 Father of lights, to Thee our hearts we lift
12:28 49 Blest Father of glory, we worship,
12:28 136 Father, spring and source of blessing,
12:28 431 No act of power could e'er atone,
12:3 263 Thy death, O Lord, and sorrow
12:3 4 Thine is the love, Lord, that draws us together,
12:3 148 Lord Jesus, our souls would adore Thee,
12:3 361 Nought is detaining us,
12:3 350 We hail Thee, Lord, our glorious Head,
12:3 381 Lord Jesus, we draw near,
12:3 341 O blessèd Saviour, is Thy love
12:3,7 263 Thy death, O Lord, and sorrow
12:31 189 O Lord, amid corruption,
12:32 82 O Jesus, Lord, we love Thee,
12:32 180 O Lord, how blest - as day by day
12:32 426 "Man of sorrows!" what a name
12:32 93 Light of the waiting pilgrim's heart,
12:33 332 Hark to the message sounding
12:35 217 Why unbelieving? Why wilt thou spurn
12:35 198 Lord Jesus, as gathered before Thee
12:35 154 Come! - 'tis Jesus gently calling -
12:36 195 Worthy of homage and of praise,
12:36 248 I heard the voice of Jesus say,
12:37 235 We'll praise Thee, glorious Lord,
12:41 47 Blest Lord, Thou spakest! 'twas Thy voice
12:46 181 Glory, Lord, is Thine for ever,
12:46 433 Blest Comforter, Thou holy One,
12:46 154 Come! - 'tis Jesus gently calling -
12:48 220 I could not do without Thee,
12:49 312 How great, O God, our portion in Thy love,
12:49,50 119 Our God and Father, we draw near to Thee