
Hymn Scripture Links

John 10

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
10:10 444 O Lord, we would delight in Thee,
10:10 256 O Lamb of God, still keep us
10:11 103 We'll sing of the Shepherd that died,
10:11 53 We'll sing of God's wonderful gospel,
10:11 68 O Lord of glory, who couldst leave
10:11 205 O Jesus, Lamb of God,
10:11 326 Lord, it has touched our hearts that Thou
10:11 444 O Lord, we would delight in Thee,
10:12 164 Jesus, our Lord, we assemble together,
10:12 120 Father, in Thine eternal power,
10:14 103 We'll sing of the Shepherd that died,
10:14 269 Jesus, Lord, Thy grace has called us
10:14 422 Jesus, Lord, we joy before Thee,
10:14 210 Our times are in Thy hand;
10:14,15 455 There is a Name we love to hear,
10:14,15 82 O Jesus, Lord, we love Thee,
10:14-16 444 O Lord, we would delight in Thee,
10:14-16 210 Our times are in Thy hand;
10:15 345 O Lord, do Thou our souls inspire
10:15 123 God waits in grace with hands outstretched to bless -
10:15 99 Lord Jesus, Thou by whom the worlds were made,
10:15 6 Jesus! how much Thy Name unfolds
10:15 190 O Lord, Thy wonderous story
10:15,16 103 We'll sing of the Shepherd that died,
10:15,16 179 O praise the Saviour for His love,
10:15,17 39 Lord Jesus, in Thee we're rejoicing,
10:15,17 318 For us, O Lord, Thou camest from on high,
10:15-17 77 Lord, we love to trace Thy footprints
10:15-18 423 O Lord, what love for sinners Thou hast shown,
10:15-18 293 Thy grace, O Lord, that measured once the deep
10:15-18 234 O Lord, we joy that Thou art glory-crowned,
10:16 248 I heard the voice of Jesus say,
10:16 47 Blest Lord, Thou spakest! 'twas Thy voice
10:16 137 We praise Thee, Lord, blest source of deepest joy,
10:16 88 Thou gav'st us, Father, in Thy love,
10:16 244 It is not with uncertain step
10:16 131 O Lord, with our ears and hearts open,
10:16-18 437 O grace divine! the Saviour shed
10:17 152 Thou, Lord, to death's domain
10:17 135 Thee we praise, our God and Father,
10:17 39 Lord Jesus, in Thee we're rejoicing,
10:17 127 Lord, we do not ask the question,
10:17 181 Glory, Lord, is Thine for ever,
10:17 263 Thy death, O Lord, and sorrow
10:17,18 13 The Father sent the Son
10:17,18 374 Father, Thy love was deepest joy
10:17,18 110 Jesus our Lord, we would joyfully render
10:17,18 119 Our God and Father, we draw near to Thee
10:17,18 164 Jesus, our Lord, we assemble together,
10:18 339 Lord, in Thy supper now we see
10:18 345 O Lord, do Thou our souls inspire
10:18 290 I love to sing of Jesus,
10:18 135 Thee we praise, our God and Father,
10:18 103 We'll sing of the Shepherd that died,
10:18 124 Jesus our Lord, Thou Morning Star,
10:27 444 O Lord, we would delight in Thee,
10:27 47 Blest Lord, Thou spakest! 'twas Thy voice
10:27 180 O Lord, how blest - as day by day
10:27 115 Lead on, almighty Lord,
10:27 179 O praise the Saviour for His love,
10:27 228 All through this desert dry
10:27 367 I am not told to labour
10:27 244 It is not with uncertain step
10:27,28 111 'Tis the truest joy and blessing
10:27,28 115 Lead on, almighty Lord,
10:27-29 107 Awake, each saint, in joyful lays,
10:28 444 O Lord, we would delight in Thee,
10:28 187 I've found a Friend, O such a Friend!
10:28 179 O praise the Saviour for His love,
10:28 180 O Lord, how blest - as day by day
10:28 427 Whom have we, Lord, but Thee,
10:28 266 Hark! the voice of Jesus calling,
10:28 127 Lord, we do not ask the question,
10:28,29 187 I've found a Friend, O such a Friend!
10:28,29 206 Where the saints in glory thronging,
10:28,29 348 How good and great, O Father,
10:28,29 104 We wait for Thee, O Son of God,
10:28,29 281 Jesus, my Saviour! Thou art mine,
10:28,29 184 Now in simple faith, Lord Jesus,
10:29 88 Thou gav'st us, Father, in Thy love,
10:29 210 Our times are in Thy hand;
10:29 416 Father, now in adoration
10:29 441 Father of every fam'ly
10:29 63 Our God and Father, Thee we bless,
10:29 263 Thy death, O Lord, and sorrow
10:29 330 Father, from our hearts is spiringing,
10:29,30 138 A holy Father's constant care
10:3 266 Hark! the voice of Jesus calling,
10:3 324 O come to the Saviour, He's calling today;
10:3 344 Wilt thou come, or wilt thou linger?
10:3 431 No act of power could e'er atone,
10:3 103 We'll sing of the Shepherd that died,
10:3 213 In hope we lift our wishful, longing eyes,
10:3 367 I am not told to labour
10:3 244 It is not with uncertain step
10:3 146 Into Thy presence, Lord, we come,
10:3 306 Lord, as we come together
10:3 40 "Look unto Me!" the Savior cries;
10:3,4 47 Blest Lord, Thou spakest! 'twas Thy voice
10:3,4 344 Wilt thou come, or wilt thou linger?
10:3-5 439 Jesus lingers still, 'tis for you He waits,
10:30 400 God manifest in flesh, O wonder of His universe!
10:30 186 Lord, Thy person far transcendeth
10:30 224 Though all the beasts on earth be slain
10:30 119 Our God and Father, we draw near to Thee
10:30 117 Lord, in past and distant ages,
10:36 141 God and Father, source of glory,
10:38 245 God, from His throne on high,
10:38 209 O Lord, it is Thyself; none, none but Thee,
10:38 190 O Lord, Thy wonderous story
10:4 270 And we shall see Thy face,
10:4 79 God and the Lamb - 'tis well
10:4 179 O praise the Saviour for His love,
10:4 137 We praise Thee, Lord, blest source of deepest joy,
10:4 120 Father, in Thine eternal power,
10:41 217 Why unbelieving? Why wilt thou spurn
10:7,14-16 187 I've found a Friend, O such a Friend!
10:7,9 245 God, from His throne on high,
10:9 256 O Lamb of God, still keep us
10:9 252 "Come unto Me - and I will give you rest";
10:9 245 God, from His throne on high,