
Hymn Scripture Links

1%2520Corinthians 14

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
14:14 41 Lord, together Thee recalling,
14:15 391 Spring up, O Spirit most holy!
14:15 355 We bless Thee, Holy Spirit!
14:15 285 Blest Spirit, now we worship Thee;
14:15 260 Blessèd Spirit, Thee we worship,
14:15 71 Hark, the solemn strains uprising!
14:15 331 It is to Thee our voices now we raise,
14:15 376 O Lord, we've come together
14:15 401 Spirit of grace, O Thou whose hidden might
14:15 3 As Head, O God, exhalted Thou,
14:15 18 Blest Holy Spirit, Thou, divine,
14:15 204 In Thy presence now we worship,
14:15 264 "Thou art the Same," our one, unchanging God,
14:15 295 Unto Thee, blest Holy Spirit,
14:15 199 Lord Jesus Christ, our living Head,
14:23 65 Lord, as now Thy people gather,
14:26 97 O Holy Spirit of our God,
14:30 146 Into Thy presence, Lord, we come,
14:40 198 Lord Jesus, as gathered before Thee
14:40 333 Our God and Father, we are here to share