But God, being rich in mercy, because of his great love wherewith he loved us, Ephesians 2:4
Ephesians 2:3-5
Luke 1:7,8, 1 Peter 1:4How bright, there above, is the mercy of God!
Romans 6:22, 1 Peter 1:18And void of all guilt, and clear of all sin,
Romans 3:24,25, 1 Peter 1:18Are my conscience and heart, through my Saviour's blood:
Romans 8:1, 1 Peter 1:21Not a cloud above - not a spot within.
1 Corinthians 15:3, 1 Peter 1:22Christ died! then I'm clean : not a spot within.
Ephesians 2:4, 1 Peter 1:3God's mercy and love! not a cloud above.
Romans 11:24, 1 Peter 4:14'Tis the Spirit, through faith, thus triumphs o'er sin:
Ephesians 5:27, 1 Peter 5:10,11Not a cloud above - not a spot within.