
Hymn Scripture Links

Romans 13

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
13:10 276 Have you not heard the joyful sound?
13:11 55 Through waves, through clouds and storms,
13:11 355 We bless Thee, Holy Spirit!
13:11 165 'Tis not far off - the hour
13:11 264 "Thou art the Same," our one, unchanging God,
13:11,12 93 Light of the waiting pilgrim's heart,
13:11,12 140 O Lord, our hearts are waiting
13:11,12 131 O Lord, with our ears and hearts open,
13:11,12 107 Awake, each saint, in joyful lays,
13:11-14 424 O Lord, how long ere we shall see
13:11-14 436 We treasure, Lord, Thy blessèd Name,
13:12 194 The night is far spent, and the day is at hand;
13:12 165 'Tis not far off - the hour
13:12 424 O Lord, how long ere we shall see
13:12 215 Hope of our hearts, O Lord, art Thou,
13:12 55 Through waves, through clouds and storms,
13:12 244 It is not with uncertain step
13:12 413 "A little while" - the Lord shall come,
13:12 213 In hope we lift our wishful, longing eyes,
13:12 399 Master, we would no longer be
13:12 250 Thy will, O Lord, be done, whate'er the cost
13:12 33 Come, Prince of Peace, for now
13:12 347 The bread and cup, O Lord, recall
13:12 131 O Lord, with our ears and hearts open,
13:12 104 We wait for Thee, O Son of God,
13:12 403 Father, now we come before Thee,
13:14 161 Son of God, with joy we view Thee
13:14 160 O bright and blessèd hope!
13:4 104 We wait for Thee, O Son of God,