
Hymn Scripture Links

Psalms 22

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
22:1,2 302 Gazing on Thee, Lord, in glory,
22:1-3 296 Blest Son of God, Thou holy One above,
22:12,13 99 Lord Jesus, Thou by whom the worlds were made,
22:12-18 71 Hark, the solemn strains uprising!
22:14,15 298 Lord, we treasure with affection
22:16 435 On that same night, Lord Jesus,
22:22 90 Our God and Father, we respond anew
22:22 71 Hark, the solemn strains uprising!
22:22 356 To Thee, our God, we render now
22:22 374 Father, Thy love was deepest joy
22:22 314 O God and Father, we our praises bring,
22:22 379 Our God and Father, we respond to Thee
22:22 237 Father, we celebrate Thy praise.
22:22 441 Father of every fam'ly
22:22 135 Thee we praise, our God and Father,
22:22 283 As in Thy presence, Lord, our spirits free,
22:26 444 O Lord, we would delight in Thee,
22:27 314 O God and Father, we our praises bring,
22:28 314 O God and Father, we our praises bring,
22:3 173 Thou dwellest now, O God, midst fragrant praise
22:3 239 Christ did for sins atone,
22:3 356 To Thee, our God, we render now
22:3 125 Priase to Thee, our God, belongeth,
22:3 191 Father, praise to Thee we give;
22:3 316 Blest Father, we draw nigh,
22:3 314 O God and Father, we our praises bring,
22:3,22 314 O God and Father, we our praises bring,
22:6 311 Jesus, our Lord, on the throne of the Father Thou'rt crownèd;
22:7 290 I love to sing of Jesus,