Chapter, Verse |
Hymn No. |
First Line |
28:10 |
226 |
O Glorious Lord! what thoughts Thy mind did fill, |
28:12 |
349 |
We hear the word of love, |
28:17 |
16 |
Blest Victor, Thou, o'er every power malign, |
28:17 |
39 |
Lord Jesus, in Thee we're rejoicing, |
28:17 |
147 |
Glorious Son of God, to Thee |
28:17 |
303 |
O what a debt we owe |
28:17 |
152 |
Thou, Lord, to death's domain |
28:17 |
387 |
Lord, the greatness of Thy Person |
28:18 |
451 |
Behold the Lamb, with glory crowned! |
28:18 |
344 |
Wilt thou come, or wilt thou linger? |
28:18 |
366 |
See mercy, mercy from on high, |
28:19 |
297 |
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, |
28:19 |
118 |
Glory be to God the Father, |
28:19 |
62 |
God of the Universe, |
28:19 |
402 |
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - |
28:19 |
108 |
O Holy Spirit, Thee we bless, |
28:19 |
420 |
Glory, glory, glory, praise and adoration! |
28:19 |
300 |
Spirit of God, to Thee we bow in priase, |
28:19 |
21 |
Holy Comforter divine, |
28:19 |
416 |
Father, now in adoration |
28:19 |
355 |
We bless Thee, Holy Spirit! |
28:19 |
414 |
Once from glory's height descending. |
28:19 |
337 |
Blest Holy Spirit, Comforter - |
28:19 |
345 |
O Lord, do Thou our souls inspire |
28:19 |
319 |
Blessèd God, we own thy greatness |
28:19 |
91 |
God the unchangeable, |
28:19 |
261 |
Blest Spirit, we would sing to Thee, |
28:19 |
53 |
We'll sing of God's wonderful gospel, |
28:19 |
425 |
Blest Spirit, now with joy we raise |
28:19 |
222 |
O Thou blessèd Holy Spirit, |
28:19 |
392 |
Head over all, O God, art Thou; |
28:19 |
334 |
In light unclouded dwells the mighty God, |
28:19 |
242 |
O God, Thou source of endless bliss and joy, |
28:19 |
3 |
As Head, O God, exhalted Thou, |
28:19 |
285 |
Blest Spirit, now we worship Thee; |
28:19 |
168 |
O blessèd God, we praise Thee, |
28:19 |
214 |
To Thee, blest Holy Spirit, |
28:19 |
35 |
O God of love, how measureless |
28:19 |
179 |
O praise the Saviour for His love, |
28:19 |
389 |
Holy Father, in Thy mercy |
28:19 |
241 |
T'was not for our great love to Thee |
28:2 |
216 |
Lord, we rejoice that Thou art gone |
28:20 |
436 |
We treasure, Lord, Thy blessèd Name, |
28:20 |
198 |
Lord Jesus, as gathered before Thee |
28:20 |
176 |
Blessèd Lord, in love unceasing |
28:20 |
389 |
Holy Father, in Thy mercy |
28:20 |
419 |
Lord, Thou art with me! |
28:20 |
27 |
O God, we rejoice in Thy greatness and might. |
28:20 |
102 |
To us Thou comest, faithful to Thy word; |
28:20 |
362 |
O Lord, what peace and rest we find |
28:20 |
244 |
It is not with uncertain step |
28:20 |
448 |
Sing aloud to God our strength! |
28:20 |
299 |
What will it be with God to dwell, |
28:20 |
187 |
I've found a Friend, O such a Friend! |
28:20 |
318 |
For us, O Lord, Thou camest from on high, |
28:20 |
107 |
Awake, each saint, in joyful lays, |
28:20 |
84 |
Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express |
28:3-6 |
152 |
Thou, Lord, to death's domain |
28:30 |
176 |
Blessèd Lord, in love unceasing |
28:5,6 |
230 |
O Lord, when we the path retrace |
28:5-7 |
369 |
Christ is risen! Hallelujah! |
28:6 |
445 |
Jesus, the Lord, is ris'n |
28:6 |
24 |
His be the Victor's name, |
28:6 |
369 |
Christ is risen! Hallelujah! |
28:6 |
241 |
T'was not for our great love to Thee |
28:6 |
349 |
We hear the word of love, |
28:7 |
369 |
Christ is risen! Hallelujah! |
28:7 |
171 |
Blest Son of God, we worship Thee; |
28:9 |
204 |
In Thy presence now we worship, |
28:9 |
110 |
Jesus our Lord, we would joyfully render |
28:9 |
147 |
Glorious Son of God, to Thee |
28:9 |
191 |
Father, praise to Thee we give; |
28:9 |
436 |
We treasure, Lord, Thy blessèd Name, |
28:9 |
199 |
Lord Jesus Christ, our living Head, |
28:9 |
9 |
All hail the power of Jesus' Name! |
28:9 |
28 |
Hail! Thou once despisèd Jesus; |
28:9,10 |
185 |
Majestic, Almight and Glorious, |
28:9,17 |
161 |
Son of God, with joy we view Thee |