
Hymn Scripture Links

Matthew 25

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
25:10 31 A While, yes, a very short while now of waiting,
25:10 365 Jesus, our Lord, Thou lovest to be near
25:10 202 Hark! hark! the voice of Christ, the sinner's Saviour,
25:10 131 O Lord, with our ears and hearts open,
25:10 217 Why unbelieving? Why wilt thou spurn
25:10 70 Come! hear the gospel sound,
25:11 70 Come! hear the gospel sound,
25:11,12 354 We speak of the grace of our God,
25:13 436 We treasure, Lord, Thy blessèd Name,
25:21,23 384 With loyal hearts, O Lord to Thee,
25:21,23 399 Master, we would no longer be
25:21-23 220 I could not do without Thee,
25:23 399 Master, we would no longer be
25:3 235 We'll praise Thee, glorious Lord,
25:31 274 Lord Jesus, come,
25:31 36 Hail to the Lord's Anointed
25:31 398 Thy death and resurrection, Lord,
25:31 13 The Father sent the Son
25:31 345 O Lord, do Thou our souls inspire
25:31 291 Lo! He comes, from heav'n descending,
25:31,32 434 We see not all things yet
25:31,32 274 Lord Jesus, come,
25:35 15 Lord, on the throne Thy love's the same
25:46 220 I could not do without Thee,
25:46 52 We sing to Thee, blest Father,
25:6 342 O Lord, the knowledge of Thy love
25:6 361 Nought is detaining us,
25:6 338 The Lord is coming; lift your heads!
25:6 131 O Lord, with our ears and hearts open,
25:7 365 Jesus, our Lord, Thou lovest to be near
25:7-9 131 O Lord, with our ears and hearts open,