Chapter, Verse |
Hymn No. |
First Line |
16:14 |
241 |
T'was not for our great love to Thee |
16:15 |
282 |
God gave His Son for sinners; |
16:15 |
323 |
"Tis finished!" our blest Saviour said, |
16:15 |
266 |
Hark! the voice of Jesus calling, |
16:19 |
259 |
Thou art, O Lord, the centre |
16:19 |
81 |
O Lord, Thy glory we behold, |
16:19 |
7 |
Hark! happy saints! loud lift your voice, |
16:19 |
56 |
O Lord , how blest our journey, |
16:19 |
66 |
O gracious God, Thy pleasure |
16:19 |
266 |
Hark! the voice of Jesus calling, |
16:19 |
28 |
Hail! Thou once despisèd Jesus; |
16:19 |
152 |
Thou, Lord, to death's domain |
16:19 |
211 |
God and Father, we Thy children |
16:19 |
290 |
I love to sing of Jesus, |
16:19 |
71 |
Hark, the solemn strains uprising! |
16:19 |
212 |
O the love of God is boundless, |
16:19 |
318 |
For us, O Lord, Thou camest from on high, |
16:19 |
246 |
There is a wondrous story, |
16:19 |
241 |
T'was not for our great love to Thee |
16:19 |
12 |
Sing without ceasing, sing |
16:19 |
216 |
With joy our wond'ring hearts retrace |
16:19,20 |
219 |
God is sending our the message |
16:4 |
216 |
Lord, we rejoice that Thou art gone |
16:6 |
369 |
Christ is risen! Hallelujah! |
16:6 |
124 |
Jesus our Lord, Thou Morning Star, |
16:6 |
275 |
All men have sinned and short of glory come; |
16:6 |
371 |
Brightness of th' eternal glory, |
16:6 |
210 |
Our times are in Thy hand; |
16:9 |
360 |
We know Thee, Lord, as risen, |
16:9 |
56 |
O Lord , how blest our journey, |
16:9 |
290 |
I love to sing of Jesus, |
16:9 |
57 |
Where glory lights the courts on high, |
16:9 |
287 |
Jesus! life-giving sound, |
16:9 |
117 |
Lord, in past and distant ages, |
16:9 |
246 |
There is a wondrous story, |
16:9 |
241 |
T'was not for our great love to Thee |