
Hymn Scripture Links

Luke 22

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
22:11,31 306 Lord, as we come together
22:14 297 Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
22:14 294 Jesus, our Lord, the mighty power
22:14 4 Thine is the love, Lord, that draws us together,
22:14 326 Lord, it has touched our hearts that Thou
22:14,15 84 Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express
22:14-20 326 Lord, it has touched our hearts that Thou
22:14-20 339 Lord, in Thy supper now we see
22:15 339 Lord, in Thy supper now we see
22:15 82 O Jesus, Lord, we love Thee,
22:15 381 Lord Jesus, we draw near,
22:15-20 347 The bread and cup, O Lord, recall
22:17-20 203 O Lord, as now we gather to Thy Name
22:19 41 Lord, together Thee recalling,
22:19 164 Jesus, our Lord, we assemble together,
22:19 30 Love's remembrance, Lord, Thou seekest
22:19 311 Jesus, our Lord, on the throne of the Father Thou'rt crownèd;
22:19 435 On that same night, Lord Jesus,
22:19 430 Thy love, blest Lord, in death made known,
22:19 124 Jesus our Lord, Thou Morning Star,
22:19 326 Lord, it has touched our hearts that Thou
22:19 227 Assembled here, O Lord,
22:19 339 Lord, in Thy supper now we see
22:19,20 30 Love's remembrance, Lord, Thou seekest
22:19,20 435 On that same night, Lord Jesus,
22:19,20 227 Assembled here, O Lord,
22:19,20 430 Thy love, blest Lord, in death made known,
22:20 30 Love's remembrance, Lord, Thou seekest
22:22 71 Hark, the solemn strains uprising!
22:26,27 138 A holy Father's constant care
22:27 176 Blessèd Lord, in love unceasing
22:27 304 Lord Jesus, 'tis our deepest joy
22:27 134 We sing to Thee, Lord Jesus,
22:27 141 God and Father, source of glory,
22:29 36 Hail to the Lord's Anointed
22:32 51 O Lord, Thy love's unbounded,
22:41,42 268 O Lord, Thy face was set,
22:41-44 318 For us, O Lord, Thou camest from on high,
22:42 415 O Lord, what burdens Thou didst bear!
22:42 347 The bread and cup, O Lord, recall
22:42 431 No act of power could e'er atone,
22:42 304 Lord Jesus, 'tis our deepest joy
22:42 112 Trembling soul, behold thy Saviour,
22:42 190 O Lord, Thy wonderous story
22:42-44 205 O Jesus, Lamb of God,
22:42-46 152 Thou, Lord, to death's domain
22:42-46 293 Thy grace, O Lord, that measured once the deep
22:44 298 Lord, we treasure with affection
22:44,45 298 Lord, we treasure with affection
22:53 71 Hark, the solemn strains uprising!
22:62 396 Rock of Ages! cleft for me,
22:63-65 190 O Lord, Thy wonderous story
22:9-12 71 Hark, the solemn strains uprising!