
Hymn Scripture Links

John 17

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
17:1 137 We praise Thee, Lord, blest source of deepest joy,
17:1 117 Lord, in past and distant ages,
17:1 431 No act of power could e'er atone,
17:1 135 Thee we praise, our God and Father,
17:1 119 Our God and Father, we draw near to Thee
17:10 180 O Lord, how blest - as day by day
17:10 389 Holy Father, in Thy mercy
17:10 56 O Lord , how blest our journey,
17:10 263 Thy death, O Lord, and sorrow
17:10 52 We sing to Thee, blest Father,
17:10 58 Lord, we are Thine, bought by Thy blood,
17:11 389 Holy Father, in Thy mercy
17:11 138 A holy Father's constant care
17:11 237 Father, we celebrate Thy praise.
17:11 25 Father, Thy name our souls would bless,
17:11 277 God and Father, we adore Thee,
17:11 12 Sing without ceasing, sing
17:11 285 Blest Spirit, now we worship Thee;
17:11 320 Father of lights, to Thee our hearts we lift
17:11 87 Father, Thy sovereign love has sought
17:11 384 With loyal hearts, O Lord to Thee,
17:11 385 Father, in Thy love abiding,
17:11 90 Our God and Father, we respond anew
17:11 186 Lord, Thy person far transcendeth
17:11 116 Blest God and Father, we confess
17:11,15 256 O Lamb of God, still keep us
17:11,19 402 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -
17:12 250 Thy will, O Lord, be done, whate'er the cost
17:12 103 We'll sing of the Shepherd that died,
17:12 348 How good and great, O Father,
17:12 131 O Lord, with our ears and hearts open,
17:12 151 Lord Jesus, when we think of THee,
17:13 137 We praise Thee, Lord, blest source of deepest joy,
17:13 193 Lord Jesus, we rejoice that Thou
17:13 67 We bless Thee, God and Father,
17:13 226 O Glorious Lord! what thoughts Thy mind did fill,
17:13 102 To us Thou comest, faithful to Thy word;
17:13 397 Jesus, Thy head, once crowned with thorns,
17:13 280 Lord Jesus Christ, to Thee a song we raise,
17:13 121 Blessèd Spirit of the Father,
17:13 206 Where the saints in glory thronging,
17:13 283 As in Thy presence, Lord, our spirits free,
17:13 450 Blest be the God and Father
17:13 159 Lord Jesus, Thou hast drawn our hearts,
17:13 136 Father, spring and source of blessing,
17:13 286 What rich eternal bursts of priase
17:13 236 O Jesus, Lord, we long
17:13 90 Our God and Father, we respond anew
17:13 56 O Lord , how blest our journey,
17:13 26 Father, Thy love our portion is,
17:14 399 Master, we would no longer be
17:15 210 Our times are in Thy hand;
17:15 56 O Lord , how blest our journey,
17:15 385 Father, in Thy love abiding,
17:16 139 This world is a wilderness wide;
17:16 284 "Not of the world" - blest words of Christ the Lord
17:16 312 How great, O God, our portion in Thy love,
17:17 402 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -
17:17 359 O how precious Thine assembly
17:17 389 Holy Father, in Thy mercy
17:17 385 Father, in Thy love abiding,
17:17,18 78 O God of grace, our Father,
17:17-19 193 Lord Jesus, we rejoice that Thou
17:19 15 Lord, on the throne Thy love's the same
17:19-23 117 Lord, in past and distant ages,
17:2 219 God is sending our the message
17:20,21 207 Blest God and Father, we respond to Thee,
17:20,21 333 Our God and Father, we are here to share
17:20-22 96 Our glorious God, how wondrous to be near,
17:20-22 247 And is it so, we shall be like Thy Son?
17:20-22 374 Father, Thy love was deepest joy
17:20-22 394 Now that wonderous, living story
17:20-23 385 Father, in Thy love abiding,
17:20-23 379 Our God and Father, we respond to Thee
17:20-23 186 Lord, Thy person far transcendeth
17:20-24 385 Father, in Thy love abiding,
17:21 72 Our God whom we have known,
17:21 11 Thou are the blest incarnate Word,
17:21 84 Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express
17:21 360 We know Thee, Lord, as risen,
17:21 207 Blest God and Father, we respond to Thee,
17:21 56 O Lord , how blest our journey,
17:21 140 O Lord, our hearts are waiting
17:21 394 Now that wonderous, living story
17:21 235 We'll praise Thee, glorious Lord,
17:21,22 400 God manifest in flesh, O wonder of His universe!
17:21,22 330 Father, from our hearts is spiringing,
17:21,22 137 We praise Thee, Lord, blest source of deepest joy,
17:21,22 293 Thy grace, O Lord, that measured once the deep
17:21,22 117 Lord, in past and distant ages,
17:21,22,26 137 We praise Thee, Lord, blest source of deepest joy,
17:21-23 162 God our Father, Thee we worship,
17:21-23 226 O Glorious Lord! what thoughts Thy mind did fill,
17:21-23 297 Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
17:21-23 11 Thou are the blest incarnate Word,
17:21-24 385 Father, in Thy love abiding,
17:22 181 Glory, Lord, is Thine for ever,
17:22 310 Blest Father, in Thy wondrous grace
17:22 26 Father, Thy love our portion is,
17:22 136 Father, spring and source of blessing,
17:22 49 Blest Father of glory, we worship,
17:22 224 Though all the beasts on earth be slain
17:22 203 O Lord, as now we gather to Thy Name
17:22 372 Blest Holy Spirit, let us prove
17:22 72 Our God whom we have known,
17:22 374 Father, Thy love was deepest joy
17:22 336 Blest God and Father, source of joy
17:22 40 "Look unto Me!" the Savior cries;
17:22 237 Father, we celebrate Thy praise.
17:22 278 Saviour we long to follow Thee,
17:22 12 Sing without ceasing, sing
17:22,23 26 Father, Thy love our portion is,
17:22,23 249 O Jesus, Lord, who loved us like to Thee?
17:22,23 242 O God, Thou source of endless bliss and joy,
17:22,23 84 Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express
17:22-24 94 Father, Thine own unbounded love
17:22-24 168 O blessèd God, we praise Thee,
17:22-24 11 Thou are the blest incarnate Word,
17:23 2 Father, 'twas Thy love that knew us
17:23 67 We bless Thee, God and Father,
17:23 1 Of all the gifts Thy love bestows,
17:23 162 God our Father, Thee we worship,
17:23 329 Well may we sing, with triumph sing,
17:23 19 For ever with Thee, Lord,
17:23 316 Blest Father, we draw nigh,
17:23 336 Blest God and Father, source of joy
17:23,24 95 O God for ever blest, o'er all supreme,
17:23,24 72 Our God whom we have known,
17:23,24 161 Son of God, with joy we view Thee
17:23,26 160 O bright and blessèd hope!
17:24 88 Thou gav'st us, Father, in Thy love,
17:24 413 "A little while" - the Lord shall come,
17:24 381 Lord Jesus, we draw near,
17:24 249 O Jesus, Lord, who loved us like to Thee?
17:24 312 How great, O God, our portion in Thy love,
17:24 96 Our glorious God, how wondrous to be near,
17:24 237 Father, we celebrate Thy praise.
17:24 316 Blest Father, we draw nigh,
17:24 5 Father of glory, Thine is now the praise,
17:24 89 O blessèd Holy Spirit,
17:24 144 In that bright home of love divine,
17:24 192 We love, Lord Jesus, to recall
17:24 202 Hark! hark! the voice of Christ, the sinner's Saviour,
17:24 117 Lord, in past and distant ages,
17:24 260 Blessèd Spirit, Thee we worship,
17:24 361 Nought is detaining us,
17:24 406 O blessèd God, our souls are moved as one
17:24 12 Sing without ceasing, sing
17:24 207 Blest God and Father, we respond to Thee,
17:24 162 God our Father, Thee we worship,
17:24 87 Father, Thy sovereign love has sought
17:24 19 For ever with Thee, Lord,
17:24 67 We bless Thee, God and Father,
17:24 379 Our God and Father, we respond to Thee
17:24 104 We wait for Thee, O Son of God,
17:24 56 O Lord , how blest our journey,
17:24 221 Jerusalem, the holy,
17:24 119 Our God and Father, we draw near to Thee
17:24 236 O Jesus, Lord, we long
17:24 421 What will it be when all life's toil is finished,
17:24 127 Lord, we do not ask the question,
17:24 220 I could not do without Thee,
17:24 265 O God of grace, our Father,
17:24 11 Thou are the blest incarnate Word,
17:24 330 Father, from our hearts is spiringing,
17:24 140 O Lord, our hearts are waiting
17:24 75 Jesus, our Lord, Thy worthiness we sing,
17:24 239 Christ did for sins atone,
17:24 52 We sing to Thee, blest Father,
17:24 447 Jesus, of Thee we ne'er would tire;
17:24 398 Thy death and resurrection, Lord,
17:24 139 This world is a wilderness wide;
17:24 84 Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express
17:24 429 O Jesus, Lord, Thou stoodest in my stead;
17:24 336 Blest God and Father, source of joy
17:24 161 Son of God, with joy we view Thee
17:24 47 Blest Lord, Thou spakest! 'twas Thy voice
17:24 206 Where the saints in glory thronging,
17:24 411 Lord! let us wait for Thee alone:
17:24 455 There is a Name we love to hear,
17:24 216 Lord, we rejoice that Thou art gone
17:24 76 Rise, my soul, thy God directs thee,
17:24,25 88 Thou gav'st us, Father, in Thy love,
17:24,25 127 Lord, we do not ask the question,
17:24-26 325 Our blest God and Father,
17:24-26 56 O Lord , how blest our journey,
17:26 298 Lord, we treasure with affection
17:26 226 O Glorious Lord! what thoughts Thy mind did fill,
17:26 385 Father, in Thy love abiding,
17:26 390 O the peace for ever flowing
17:26 277 God and Father, we adore Thee,
17:26 72 Our God whom we have known,
17:26 60 Our Father, we praise Thee,
17:26 374 Father, Thy love was deepest joy
17:26 193 Lord Jesus, we rejoice that Thou
17:26 136 Father, spring and source of blessing,
17:26 172 O teach us more of Thy blest ways,
17:26 381 Lord Jesus, we draw near,
17:26 121 Blessèd Spirit of the Father,
17:26 26 Father, Thy love our portion is,
17:26 379 Our God and Father, we respond to Thee
17:26 45 Our God and Father, we would now proclaim
17:26 207 Blest God and Father, we respond to Thee,
17:26 127 Lord, we do not ask the question,
17:26 180 O Lord, how blest - as day by day
17:26 117 Lord, in past and distant ages,
17:26 67 We bless Thee, God and Father,
17:26 201 Thou Holy One and True,
17:26 416 Father, now in adoration
17:26 348 How good and great, O Father,
17:26 400 God manifest in flesh, O wonder of His universe!
17:26 336 Blest God and Father, source of joy
17:26 192 We love, Lord Jesus, to recall
17:26 449 Glory to God! we sing:
17:26 75 Jesus, our Lord, Thy worthiness we sing,
17:26 309 O God, Thy glory shines supreme;
17:26 137 We praise Thee, Lord, blest source of deepest joy,
17:26 314 O God and Father, we our praises bring,
17:26 334 In light unclouded dwells the mighty God,
17:26 255 Our God for ever may Thy Name be blest,
17:26 20 To God - alone
17:26 141 God and Father, source of glory,
17:26 293 Thy grace, O Lord, that measured once the deep
17:26 270 And we shall see Thy face,
17:26 94 Father, Thine own unbounded love
17:3 48 O how inscrutable,
17:4 414 Once from glory's height descending.
17:4 404 On His Father's throne is seated
17:4 230 O Lord, when we the path retrace
17:4 243 How sweet is the story of God's boundless love,
17:4 207 Blest God and Father, we respond to Thee,
17:4 148 Lord Jesus, our souls would adore Thee,
17:4 117 Lord, in past and distant ages,
17:4 110 Jesus our Lord, we would joyfully render
17:4 123 God waits in grace with hands outstretched to bless -
17:4 268 O Lord, Thy face was set,
17:4 14 Hark! ten thousand voices crying
17:4 206 Where the saints in glory thronging,
17:4 135 Thee we praise, our God and Father,
17:5 304 Lord Jesus, 'tis our deepest joy
17:5 117 Lord, in past and distant ages,
17:5 11 Thou are the blest incarnate Word,
17:5 171 Blest Son of God, we worship Thee;
17:5 119 Our God and Father, we draw near to Thee
17:5 181 Glory, Lord, is Thine for ever,
17:6 374 Father, Thy love was deepest joy
17:6 148 Lord Jesus, our souls would adore Thee,
17:6 348 How good and great, O Father,
17:6 416 Father, now in adoration
17:6 5 Father of glory, Thine is now the praise,
17:6 94 Father, Thine own unbounded love
17:6-10 333 Our God and Father, we are here to share
17:6-11 161 Son of God, with joy we view Thee
17:9 382 Not to ourselves we owe
17:9 180 O Lord, how blest - as day by day
17:9,10 88 Thou gav'st us, Father, in Thy love,
17:9,10 136 Father, spring and source of blessing,
17:9,10 161 Son of God, with joy we view Thee
17:9-11 180 O Lord, how blest - as day by day