
Hymn Scripture Links


Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
11:9 184 Now in simple faith, Lord Jesus,
13:15 429 O Jesus, Lord, Thou stoodest in my stead;
18:14 152 Thou, Lord, to death's domain
19:25 107 Awake, each saint, in joyful lays,
19:25 122 Christ is the Saviour of sinners,
19:25 224 Though all the beasts on earth be slain
26:13 300 Spirit of God, to Thee we bow in priase,
28:4 307 God moves in a mysterious way
30:24 55 Through waves, through clouds and storms,
33:14 253 Hast thou heard God's wondrous message,
33:24 407 O God, Thy grace no limit knows,
33:24 9 All hail the power of Jesus' Name!
33:24 167 Precious, precious blood of Jesus,
33:24 240 Himself He could not save,
33:24 133 O the wonder of the moment!
33:24 445 Jesus, the Lord, is ris'n
33:24 224 Though all the beasts on earth be slain
33:26,27 70 Come! hear the gospel sound,
33:27 167 Precious, precious blood of Jesus,
33:27 122 Christ is the Saviour of sinners,
33:4 309 O God, Thy glory shines supreme;
33:4 300 Spirit of God, to Thee we bow in priase,
34:29 156 Blessèd Lord, our hallelujahs
35:10 228 All through this desert dry
36:26 156 Blessèd Lord, our hallelujahs
36:26 327 Our joyful hallelujahs
36:26 62 God of the Universe,
36:26 105 Glory, glory everlasting
36:26 55 Through waves, through clouds and storms,
36:28 319 Blessèd God, we own thy greatness
36:29 307 God moves in a mysterious way
36:3 118 Glory be to God the Father,
37:11 5 Father of glory, Thine is now the praise,
37:11 33 Come, Prince of Peace, for now
37:11 307 God moves in a mysterious way
37:14 262 Great God of wonders! all Thy ways
37:23 309 O God, Thy glory shines supreme;
37:23 319 Blessèd God, we own thy greatness
38:12 55 Through waves, through clouds and storms,
38:4 5 Father of glory, Thine is now the praise,
38:4-7 171 Blest Son of God, we worship Thee;
38:4-7 334 In light unclouded dwells the mighty God,
38:7 232 Lord Jesus Christ, our voices rise as one
42:2 62 God of the Universe,
42:2 133 O the wonder of the moment!
42:2 55 Through waves, through clouds and storms,
42:2 406 O blessèd God, our souls are moved as one
42:2 307 God moves in a mysterious way
6:14 439 Jesus lingers still, 'tis for you He waits,
7:1 12 Sing without ceasing, sing
7:17 43 Jesus, our Saviour, we gladly adore Thee,
9:10 309 O God, Thy glory shines supreme;