
Hymn Scripture Links

Galatians 3

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
3:1 217 Why unbelieving? Why wilt thou spurn
3:1 367 I am not told to labour
3:10 415 O Lord, what burdens Thou didst bear!
3:11-14 415 O Lord, what burdens Thou didst bear!
3:13 282 God gave His Son for sinners;
3:13 251 Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour Thou,
3:13 243 How sweet is the story of God's boundless love,
3:13 450 Blest be the God and Father
3:13 415 O Lord, what burdens Thou didst bear!
3:13 395 Great Captain of Salvation,
3:13 268 O Lord, Thy face was set,
3:13 447 Jesus, of Thee we ne'er would tire;
3:13 373 Precious Name! the Name of Jesus,
3:13 298 Lord, we treasure with affection
3:13 329 Well may we sing, with triumph sing,
3:14 41 Lord, together Thee recalling,
3:22 1 Of all the gifts Thy love bestows,
3:26 454 Father, Thy sons adore Thee,
3:26 379 Our God and Father, we respond to Thee
3:26 377 Father, in Thy love unbounded,
3:26 2 Father, 'twas Thy love that knew us
3:26 242 O God, Thou source of endless bliss and joy,
3:26 293 Thy grace, O Lord, that measured once the deep
3:26 450 Blest be the God and Father
3:26 135 Thee we praise, our God and Father,
3:27 12 Sing without ceasing, sing
3:8 305 God our Father, we Thy children
3:9 217 Why unbelieving? Why wilt thou spurn
3:9 219 God is sending our the message