
Hymn Scripture Links

Ephesians 4

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
4:1 231 Father, to Thy gracious throne
4:1 120 Father, in Thine eternal power,
4:1,2 306 Lord, as we come together
4:1,2 138 A holy Father's constant care
4:10 186 Lord, Thy person far transcendeth
4:10 188 We see Thee, Lord of glory,
4:10 451 Behold the Lamb, with glory crowned!
4:10 350 We hail Thee, Lord, our glorious Head,
4:10 259 Thou art, O Lord, the centre
4:10 12 Sing without ceasing, sing
4:10 33 Come, Prince of Peace, for now
4:10 391 Spring up, O Spirit most holy!
4:10 28 Hail! Thou once despisèd Jesus;
4:10 195 Worthy of homage and of praise,
4:10 83 O the wondrous joy of dwelling
4:10 358 I heard the blessèd story told,
4:10 211 God and Father, we Thy children
4:10 229 Thy Name must live, whatever names may die;
4:10 44 Lord Jesus Christ, in all Thy grace,
4:10 438 God in mercy sent His Son
4:10 80 We praise Thee, Lord of glory,
4:10 53 We'll sing of God's wonderful gospel,
4:10 349 We hear the word of love,
4:11 25 Father, Thy name our souls would bless,
4:13 448 Sing aloud to God our strength!
4:13 69 O blessèd living Lord,
4:13 51 O Lord, Thy love's unbounded,
4:14 51 O Lord, Thy love's unbounded,
4:16 359 O how precious Thine assembly
4:16 259 Thou art, O Lord, the centre
4:16 231 Father, to Thy gracious throne
4:17 247 And is it so, we shall be like Thy Son?
4:17-20 101 Submitting to Thy will,
4:21 385 Father, in Thy love abiding,
4:21 13 The Father sent the Son
4:23,30 351 Holy Comforter, who guidest
4:3 433 Blest Comforter, Thou holy One,
4:3,4 108 O Holy Spirit, Thee we bless,
4:30 32 O blessèd Holy One,
4:30 260 Blessèd Spirit, Thee we worship,
4:30 55 Through waves, through clouds and storms,
4:30 191 Father, praise to Thee we give;
4:30 275 All men have sinned and short of glory come;
4:30 236 O Jesus, Lord, we long
4:4 425 Blest Spirit, now with joy we raise
4:4 430 Thy love, blest Lord, in death made known,
4:4,5 3 As Head, O God, exhalted Thou,
4:6 428 Blest God, o'er all supreme,
4:6 441 Father of every fam'ly
4:6 405 To God, in highest power supreme,
4:6 416 Father, now in adoration
4:6 312 How great, O God, our portion in Thy love,
4:6 49 Blest Father of glory, we worship,
4:6 66 O gracious God, Thy pleasure
4:6 330 Father, from our hearts is spiringing,
4:6 221 Jerusalem, the holy,
4:7 419 Lord, Thou art with me!
4:8 360 We know Thee, Lord, as risen,
4:8 445 Jesus, the Lord, is ris'n
4:8 68 O Lord of glory, who couldst leave
4:8 371 Brightness of th' eternal glory,
4:8 139 This world is a wilderness wide;
4:8 259 Thou art, O Lord, the centre
4:8 192 We love, Lord Jesus, to recall
4:8 278 Saviour we long to follow Thee,
4:8 366 See mercy, mercy from on high,
4:8-10 369 Christ is risen! Hallelujah!
4:8-10 360 We know Thee, Lord, as risen,
4:8-10 259 Thou art, O Lord, the centre
4:9 152 Thou, Lord, to death's domain
4:9 68 O Lord of glory, who couldst leave
4:9 263 Thy death, O Lord, and sorrow
4:9 144 In that bright home of love divine,
4:9 371 Brightness of th' eternal glory,
4:9 252 "Come unto Me - and I will give you rest";
4:9,10 445 Jesus, the Lord, is ris'n
4:9,10 364 O our God, how great, unmeasured
4:9,10 246 There is a wondrous story,
4:9,10 263 Thy death, O Lord, and sorrow
4:9,10 216 Lord, we rejoice that Thou art gone
4:9,10 304 Lord Jesus, 'tis our deepest joy