
Hymn Scripture Links

Colossians 3

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
3:1 132 The person of the Christ,
3:1 296 Blest Son of God, Thou holy One above,
3:1 74 Rest of the saints above,
3:1 312 How great, O God, our portion in Thy love,
3:1 284 "Not of the world" - blest words of Christ the Lord
3:1 450 Blest be the God and Father
3:1 427 Whom have we, Lord, but Thee,
3:1 63 Our God and Father, Thee we bless,
3:1 196 "All things are ready," Come!
3:1 15 Lord, on the throne Thy love's the same
3:1 11 Thou are the blest incarnate Word,
3:1 149 Lord Jesus, we remember
3:1 311 Jesus, our Lord, on the throne of the Father Thou'rt crownèd;
3:1 347 The bread and cup, O Lord, recall
3:1 293 Thy grace, O Lord, that measured once the deep
3:1 278 Saviour we long to follow Thee,
3:1 12 Sing without ceasing, sing
3:1,2 200 O Jesus, precious Saviour,
3:1,2 156 Blessèd Lord, our hallelujahs
3:1-3 279 Jesus! the very thought of Thee
3:1-3 132 The person of the Christ,
3:1-4 312 How great, O God, our portion in Thy love,
3:11 293 Thy grace, O Lord, that measured once the deep
3:11 80 We praise Thee, Lord of glory,
3:11 174 O patient, spotless One,
3:11 159 Lord Jesus, Thou hast drawn our hearts,
3:11 58 Lord, we are Thine, bought by Thy blood,
3:11 446 Just as I am - without one plea,
3:11 164 Jesus, our Lord, we assemble together,
3:11 372 Blest Holy Spirit, let us prove
3:11 254 Lord, to our souls Thy light is ever pure,
3:11 148 Lord Jesus, our souls would adore Thee,
3:11 99 Lord Jesus, Thou by whom the worlds were made,
3:11 152 Thou, Lord, to death's domain
3:11 279 Jesus! the very thought of Thee
3:14 196 "All things are ready," Come!
3:15 256 O Lamb of God, still keep us
3:15 192 We love, Lord Jesus, to recall
3:15 410 On the Lamb our souls are resting,
3:15 65 Lord, as now Thy people gather,
3:15 203 O Lord, as now we gather to Thy Name
3:15 294 Jesus, our Lord, the mighty power
3:15 193 Lord Jesus, we rejoice that Thou
3:15 32 O blessèd Holy One,
3:16 329 Well may we sing, with triumph sing,
3:16 290 I love to sing of Jesus,
3:16 12 Sing without ceasing, sing
3:16 416 Father, now in adoration
3:16 260 Blessèd Spirit, Thee we worship,
3:16 63 Our God and Father, Thee we bless,
3:16 395 Great Captain of Salvation,
3:16 136 Father, spring and source of blessing,
3:16 235 We'll praise Thee, glorious Lord,
3:16 132 The person of the Christ,
3:16 254 Lord, to our souls Thy light is ever pure,
3:16 255 Our God for ever may Thy Name be blest,
3:16 287 Jesus! life-giving sound,
3:16 114 Lord Jesus, source of every grace,
3:16 374 Father, Thy love was deepest joy
3:16 310 Blest Father, in Thy wondrous grace
3:16 108 O Holy Spirit, Thee we bless,
3:16 4 Thine is the love, Lord, that draws us together,
3:16 18 Blest Holy Spirit, Thou, divine,
3:16 451 Behold the Lamb, with glory crowned!
3:16 150 Jesus our Lord, of Thee, the King,
3:16 352 O Lord, the joy of union,
3:16 65 Lord, as now Thy people gather,
3:16 213 In hope we lift our wishful, longing eyes,
3:16 116 Blest God and Father, we confess
3:16 377 Father, in Thy love unbounded,
3:16 71 Hark, the solemn strains uprising!
3:16,17 17 May the grace of Christ our Saviour,
3:16,17 368 O Lord, Thy rich, Thy boundless love
3:16,17 66 O gracious God, Thy pleasure
3:17 95 O God for ever blest, o'er all supreme,
3:17 124 Jesus our Lord, Thou Morning Star,
3:17 231 Father, to Thy gracious throne
3:17 14 Hark! ten thousand voices crying
3:17 310 Blest Father, in Thy wondrous grace
3:17 201 Thou Holy One and True,
3:17 451 Behold the Lamb, with glory crowned!
3:17 372 Blest Holy Spirit, let us prove
3:18 211 God and Father, we Thy children
3:2 341 O blessèd Saviour, is Thy love
3:2 51 O Lord, Thy love's unbounded,
3:2 384 With loyal hearts, O Lord to Thee,
3:2 293 Thy grace, O Lord, that measured once the deep
3:2 382 Not to ourselves we owe
3:2 278 Saviour we long to follow Thee,
3:2-4 12 Sing without ceasing, sing
3:23 12 Sing without ceasing, sing
3:23,24 413 "A little while" - the Lord shall come,
3:24 372 Blest Holy Spirit, let us prove
3:24 384 With loyal hearts, O Lord to Thee,
3:24 389 Holy Father, in Thy mercy
3:3 284 "Not of the world" - blest words of Christ the Lord
3:3 132 The person of the Christ,
3:3 347 The bread and cup, O Lord, recall
3:3 415 O Lord, what burdens Thou didst bear!
3:3 278 Saviour we long to follow Thee,
3:4 388 Lord, we wait for Thine appearing;
3:4 411 Lord! let us wait for Thee alone:
3:4 380 Hearts awaking, Saviour, greet Thee;
3:4 413 "A little while" - the Lord shall come,
3:4 56 O Lord , how blest our journey,
3:4 173 Thou dwellest now, O God, midst fragrant praise
3:4 392 Head over all, O God, art Thou;
3:4 36 Hail to the Lord's Anointed
3:4 149 Lord Jesus, we remember
3:4 234 O Lord, we joy that Thou art glory-crowned,
3:4 368 O Lord, Thy rich, Thy boundless love
3:4 178 Blest Father, infinite in grace,
3:4 358 I heard the blessèd story told,
3:4 211 God and Father, we Thy children
3:4 259 Thou art, O Lord, the centre
3:4 228 All through this desert dry
3:4 213 In hope we lift our wishful, longing eyes,
3:4 127 Lord, we do not ask the question,
3:4 381 Lord Jesus, we draw near,
3:4 382 Not to ourselves we owe
3:4 235 We'll praise Thee, glorious Lord,
3:4 12 Sing without ceasing, sing