
Hymn Scripture Links

Colossians 2

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
2:10 259 Thou art, O Lord, the centre
2:10 281 Jesus, my Saviour! Thou art mine,
2:10 395 Great Captain of Salvation,
2:10 178 Blest Father, infinite in grace,
2:10 160 O bright and blessèd hope!
2:10 276 Have you not heard the joyful sound?
2:10 381 Lord Jesus, we draw near,
2:12 149 Lord Jesus, we remember
2:12 40 "Look unto Me!" the Savior cries;
2:12-15 358 I heard the blessèd story told,
2:12-15 245 God, from His throne on high,
2:12-15 211 God and Father, we Thy children
2:13 239 Christ did for sins atone,
2:13 40 "Look unto Me!" the Savior cries;
2:13-15 415 O Lord, what burdens Thou didst bear!
2:13-15 456 Our God, we bless Thee for Thy love
2:13-15 153 The mighty God who dwelt in light
2:13-15 350 We hail Thee, Lord, our glorious Head,
2:13-15 161 Son of God, with joy we view Thee
2:13-15 445 Jesus, the Lord, is ris'n
2:14 398 Thy death and resurrection, Lord,
2:14 357 The perfect righteousness of God
2:14 446 Just as I am - without one plea,
2:14,14 185 Majestic, Almight and Glorious,
2:14,15 16 Blest Victor, Thou, o'er every power malign,
2:14,15 115 Lead on, almighty Lord,
2:14,15 24 His be the Victor's name,
2:14,15 422 Jesus, Lord, we joy before Thee,
2:14,15 437 O grace divine! the Saviour shed
2:14,15 147 Glorious Son of God, to Thee
2:14,15 204 In Thy presence now we worship,
2:14,15 308 On earth the song begins,
2:14,15 330 Father, from our hearts is spiringing,
2:14,15 282 God gave His Son for sinners;
2:14,15 263 Thy death, O Lord, and sorrow
2:14,15 424 O Lord, how long ere we shall see
2:14,15 110 Jesus our Lord, we would joyfully render
2:14,15 188 We see Thee, Lord of glory,
2:14,15 118 Glory be to God the Father,
2:15 290 I love to sing of Jesus,
2:15 13 The Father sent the Son
2:15 358 I heard the blessèd story told,
2:15 152 Thou, Lord, to death's domain
2:15 53 We'll sing of God's wonderful gospel,
2:15 422 Jesus, Lord, we joy before Thee,
2:15 322 "Behold the Man!" O blessèd Lord,
2:15 296 Blest Son of God, Thou holy One above,
2:15 93 Light of the waiting pilgrim's heart,
2:17 65 Lord, as now Thy people gather,
2:2 114 Lord Jesus, source of every grace,
2:2,3 168 O blessèd God, we praise Thee,
2:20 149 Lord Jesus, we remember
2:20 415 O Lord, what burdens Thou didst bear!
2:3 136 Father, spring and source of blessing,
2:3 448 Sing aloud to God our strength!
2:3 46 Jesus is a glorious Saviour,
2:3 76 Rise, my soul, thy God directs thee,
2:3 199 Lord Jesus Christ, our living Head,
2:6 224 Though all the beasts on earth be slain
2:6,7 126 Lord Jesus, may our days on earth
2:7 238 When peace like a river attendeth my way,
2:7 306 Lord, as we come together
2:9 402 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -
2:9 181 Glory, Lord, is Thine for ever,
2:9 259 Thou art, O Lord, the centre
2:9 313 O wondrous Saviour! Jesus, Lord,
2:9 267 Glory, honour, adoration,
2:9 387 Lord, the greatness of Thy Person
2:9 346 Lord Jesus, Thou art worthy
2:9 420 Glory, glory, glory, praise and adoration!
2:9 315 Glorious Lord, in adoration
2:9 328 Our hearts delight in Christ, and long
2:9 255 Our God for ever may Thy Name be blest,
2:9 293 Thy grace, O Lord, that measured once the deep
2:9 143 Our God, from Thy blest heart and mind has spread
2:9 221 Jerusalem, the holy,
2:9,10 259 Thou art, O Lord, the centre
2:9,10 444 O Lord, we would delight in Thee,