Chapter, Verse |
Hymn No. |
First Line |
17:11 |
306 |
Lord, as we come together |
17:19,31 |
246 |
There is a wondrous story, |
17:2 |
306 |
Lord, as we come together |
17:23-26 |
72 |
Our God whom we have known, |
17:24 |
38 |
Blessèd God, above creation, |
17:24 |
62 |
God of the Universe, |
17:24-31 |
257 |
How ready e'en now is our God to impart |
17:25 |
309 |
O God, Thy glory shines supreme; |
17:27,28 |
61 |
O God, the great "I AM," we worship Thee |
17:3 |
347 |
The bread and cup, O Lord, recall |
17:3 |
234 |
O Lord, we joy that Thou art glory-crowned, |
17:3 |
235 |
We'll praise Thee, glorious Lord, |
17:3 |
202 |
Hark! hark! the voice of Christ, the sinner's Saviour, |
17:30 |
332 |
Hark to the message sounding |
17:30 |
354 |
We speak of the grace of our God, |
17:30 |
324 |
O come to the Saviour, He's calling today; |
17:30 |
219 |
God is sending our the message |
17:30 |
404 |
On His Father's throne is seated |
17:31 |
36 |
Hail to the Lord's Anointed |
17:31 |
404 |
On His Father's throne is seated |
17:31 |
411 |
Lord! let us wait for Thee alone: |
17:31 |
47 |
Blest Lord, Thou spakest! 'twas Thy voice |