
Hymn Scripture Links

1%2520Corinthians 13

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
13:10 335 Lord, Thy ways are past our searching,
13:10 122 Christ is the Saviour of sinners,
13:12 440 O Lord, what joy and glad surprise
13:12 299 What will it be with God to dwell,
13:12 249 O Jesus, Lord, who loved us like to Thee?
13:12 114 Lord Jesus, source of every grace,
13:12 4 Thine is the love, Lord, that draws us together,
13:12 18 Blest Holy Spirit, Thou, divine,
13:12 19 For ever with Thee, Lord,
13:12 163 "Yet a little while,' Thou'rt coming!
13:12 434 We see not all things yet
13:12 338 The Lord is coming; lift your heads!
13:12 286 What rich eternal bursts of priase
13:12 256 O Lamb of God, still keep us
13:12 288 Our hearts Thou dost console, O Lord,
13:12 195 Worthy of homage and of praise,
13:12 270 And we shall see Thy face,
13:12 335 Lord, Thy ways are past our searching,
13:12 26 Father, Thy love our portion is,
13:12 85 There is rest for the weary soul -
13:12 205 O Jesus, Lamb of God,
13:12 447 Jesus, of Thee we ne'er would tire;
13:12 317 O Lord, the bright and blessèd hope,
13:12 421 What will it be when all life's toil is finished,
13:12 31 A While, yes, a very short while now of waiting,
13:12 391 Spring up, O Spirit most holy!
13:12 281 Jesus, my Saviour! Thou art mine,
13:12 72 Our God whom we have known,
13:12 184 Now in simple faith, Lord Jesus,
13:12 411 Lord! let us wait for Thee alone:
13:12 56 O Lord , how blest our journey,
13:12 11 Thou are the blest incarnate Word,
13:12 160 O bright and blessèd hope!
13:12 122 Christ is the Saviour of sinners,
13:12 426 "Man of sorrows!" what a name
13:12 124 Jesus our Lord, Thou Morning Star,
13:12 139 This world is a wilderness wide;
13:12 398 Thy death and resurrection, Lord,
13:12 200 O Jesus, precious Saviour,
13:12 153 The mighty God who dwelt in light
13:12 81 O Lord, Thy glory we behold,
13:12 210 Our times are in Thy hand;
13:12 12 Sing without ceasing, sing
13:12,13 213 In hope we lift our wishful, longing eyes,
13:13 353 What will it be to dwell above,
13:13 338 The Lord is coming; lift your heads!
13:13 398 Thy death and resurrection, Lord,
13:3,4 77 Lord, we love to trace Thy footprints
13:7 384 With loyal hearts, O Lord to Thee,
13:8 111 'Tis the truest joy and blessing
13:8 74 Rest of the saints above,
13:9 353 What will it be to dwell above,